December 4th

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December 4th: National ask out your crush day! Yeah that's all I have to say..

December 4th. It was snowing small cold flakes that are more commonly known as snow. It was a light snow fall so you couldn't really play in it.

Virgil was sitting on the couch looking out the window as the little flakes fell everywhere. There were some on the windows and some on the ground. On trees, grass, cars, it was everywhere.

Virgil was bored and wanted to know what today's national holiday was. On urban dictionary that is. He always looked it up and now was the perfect opportunity.

He looked it up and his eye went huge at what he saw.

December 4th

National ask your crush out day

"National ask your crush out day uh?"

Virgil always liked to look the national holidays. He also always liked to do them. He was no wuss. He always accomplished them even if he bent the rules a tiny bit.

There was no way to bend this. He had to confess to Roman and ask him out.

How was he gonna do that?

Virgil was thinking about ways he could make is plan work

'I need a perfect time and place'

Virgil was brainstorming trying to think of the perfect time and place.

He almost had it till-

"Hey kiddo we're back from shopping sorry it took so long!"

The other sides walked through the door with all the bags the could carry.

Their timing was impeccable because now Virgil can commence his master plan. To ask Roman out of course.

"Hey dad why don't you and mo- Logan go make dinner?"

"Great idea kiddo!"

Virgil 1st person POV

Patton didn't seem to notice I almost called Logan mom. Logan noticed it though. He was a blushing nerdy mess after. I did that on purpose. It keeps Logan from asking questions as dad drags him into the kitchen.

I turned to Roman. It was time to commence the most important part of my genius plan.

Ask Roman out.

"Hey Prince?"

"Yes emo nightmare?"

"Your eyes are really pretty."

Roman POV

What do you do when your 7 year crush compliments you? I'll tell you what I did. I freaked out and said something stupid.

"I'm sorry what?"

I mentally slapped myself for saying that. Then I looked at my fairest. He looked hurt. I wanted to apologize but that would make things worse I think.

"Umm your hair looks amazing.. and I think your hot- handsome! I said handsome the first time!"

I could feel the dark red flash rush to my face at that. I pulled myself together and was going to tease/compliment him back.

"Oh? Am I hot? Well I assure you that my handsomeness is pitiful if it were to be compared to your beauty and grace."

I gave a flirtatious smirk which caused him to blush harder than I thought was humanly possible. I really hope all of that was for something.

"So.. Roman... Do you want to go out? I'll be fine if you so no. It's your choice after all."

"I'd love to, Virgil"

Yes! I managed to get a date with the most stunning person on this earth!

Virgil POV

Yes! I managed to ask Roman on a date and complete the national holiday without stuttering!

Roman and Virgil POV

'Best day ever!'

That was todays oneshot! I really enjoy making some of these! It's a little short but I like it!

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