Your First Words

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There is some logicality but mostly prinxiety. Soulmate AU.


I was walking down the sidewalk with his good friend Patton.

"Hey Pat?"

"Yeah Kiddo?"

You see Patton called me kiddo because Patton was like a dad to me. I do of course have a real dad that I love dearly and he loved me but Patton is dad when my real dad wasn't around.

"Do you have an idea who your soulmate is?" I said bringing up a subject that always bothered me slightly.

Patton kept his smile and bright shine of happiness in his eyes but his hand moved slowly and came up to the spot his tattoo was. It was a tattoo of the words 'My sincerest apology sir.'

"No but whoever it is sounds smart!" He said, completely ignoring the fact he was almost nervous about this whole soulmate deal.

Patton had a bounce when he walked. It was a nice touch that many didn't notice. The voice always stayed. Even now, as we walked down the street. Well technically I walked and he skipped but whatever.

"Hey Virgil?" He said, using my real name to catch my attention.

I turned my head to look at my happy go lucky friend.

"Yeah?" I replied having an idea of what he wanted to say.

"Who do you think your soulmate is?" He asked. I knew he would ask but it still managed to catch me off-guard.

I looked at the words on my arm 'Why do you look like the embodiment of a Disney villain?' I always wonder what this guy was like.

"Whoever he is he sounds like he loves Disney." I said with a smirk on my face. Not a sinister smirk but a friendly and teasing one.

"Hehe!" He giggled at my antics.

Patton continued to skip as we walked down the street. He started to slow down and eventually came to a stop. We walked inside the small cafe. The place was really nice. There was this man in sunglasses at the register.

"What do you want?" He said in a bored and unenthusiastic tone.

The guy seemed to not care about customer service and not want to be here either. Those are the best types of employees.

"Can I have a donut and hot chocolate please?" Patton bounced. Who the heck orders hot chocolate in summer?

"Can I get coffee?" I asked just as bored as he seemed to be.

"Yeah yeah sure." He said putting something into the machine.

Me and him went to find a seat to wait for our drinks but Patton was himself and ran into someone. I looked at the two of them.

"My sincerest apologies sir." The man said and rubbed his shoulder where Patton smacked his head into.

Patton looked at him in disbelief. He looked at his arm then me. I nodded as if telling him I heard it too. His look of shock changed into the biggest smile I've ever seen in my life.

"Its you! I can't believe it! My name's Patton!" Pat said jumping still having a grin only a child could muster on Christmas.

The man looked at his arm then Pat. He did this around ten times then cleared his throat.

"Salutations Patton. My name is Logan." The man, or Logan, said in a formal tone.

Logan got up as well as Patton. He put his hand out expecting Patton to shake it. What he did not expect was a hug from Pat. Logan flinched back at Patton suddenly wrapping his arms around him. He awkwardly returned it after a while.

Patton divided that him and Logan were going back to our house to talk to each other about their likes and such.

We were all walking down the street with Patton and Logan talking to one another. Then This stranger in a Disney shirt and red varsity jacket came up to us. More specifically Logan.

"Hey Logan!" The Disney fan said.

"Salutations Roman." Logan responded, holding Patton's hand.

"Who are you with?" He said looking at me and Pat.

I will admit the boy was rather charming. Roman was his name?

"This is Patton, my soulmate, and this is Virgil." Logan said, motioning to us as he said our names.

Roman gave Patton a hello and teased Logan about having found his soulmate. Then he turned to me. He looked at me up and down then he said something that caught me off guard.

"Why do you look like the embodiment of a Disney villain?"

The world felt like it stopped and the only thing moving was me and Roman. When the world started spinning again I looked at Patton and he just gave me a smile that told me I can still talked. I gave Patton the smile back and did the bravest thing I've ever done. I turned my head and looked at Roman to say the words I suspect were on his arm under his sleeve.

"I'm Virgil. I'm guessing we are soulmates..?" I replied, shocked for more than one reason. Mainly because me and Pat both found our soulmate on the same day.

Roman lifted his sleeve up and held his arm out tracing the words. He looked at me then at his finger tracing the words I just said.

---TimeSkip brought to you by Fanders---

We went back to the house and opened the door we showed the other two around and offered them to stay. They both agree to stay. Logan said he would take on of the spare rooms but Prince Charming had to flirt.

"Roman do you want the other spare room?" I asked looking at the boy who just so happens to be my soulmate.

"No thanks I'll be fine in yours~" He said leaning seductively.

I was dark red and trying to hide it. Pat found it funny. He was giggling at Romans little pick-up line. At least Logan didn't find it funny. He was just staring at Roman like he just robbed a store and called the cops on himself.

I don't know how he did it but Roman somehow managed to actually sleep in my room with me.

That was it my lovies! Hope you enjoy!

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