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Short, fluffy, teeny-weeny hintings of smut and false angst. Also, Sub!Roman. Enjoy!<3

Roman and Virgil had gotten together 2 years prior. Roman was on the couch with a purple blanket that had a black spider design on it wrapped around his shoulder like a cape. He had tears in his eyes and was staring at the door like a lost puppy. He was waited for Virgil to come home from work. It was quite often that Virgil would open the door and see a sad teary-eyed Roman staring back at him. 

“What’s wrong?” He would always ask. He was the best boyfriend.

“You left for too long,” Roman said, making sure not to break eye contact with his lover.

“Only a few hours” Virgil replied, walking over to Roman, most likely yo give him a hug.

“Yeah, a few hours too long,” Roman mumbled, just enough for Virgil to hear as he ducked his head in the chest of the man with purple hair. 

“So how long am I allowed to leave then?” Virgil asked, his voice mixed with amusement and curiosity as he stroked Roman’s back.

Roman thought about the question before giving an overly confident reply. 

“7.42 minutes,” He said nuzzling his head impossibly further into Virgil’s chest.

Virgil let out a soft chuckle but didn’t say anything. Instead, he nodded and shifted so Virgil’s head was instead in his hands. He moved one hand to the back of his head and the other underneath his knees. He picked the prince bridal style and smiled to himself, knowing his boyfriend was most likely asleep. He pushed open the door to their shared bedroom after fiddling with the knob. He closed it with his foot and looked down at the sleeping man in his arms.

It may come as a surprise, but Roman was a bottom. He loved to be the little spoon and… other stuff.

Virgil got them both and a comfortable position and cuddled Roman all night, waking up to Him spooning the princely figure.

That was the first time it happened. Roman remembers waking up in safe arms and just snuggled more into them. Now, whenever that happens, Virgil sighs and smiles picking up Roman and then cuddling. Depending on how good or bad work was sometimes the kiss and more.

That was 3 years prior to one of the happiest days in Roman’s life. The day Virgil proposed. If one were to get into detail the could say that it was the afternoon. Virgil went all out and bought him a fancy ring with 6 or 7 bigger diamonds. The band was silver and had diamonds lining it as well. The band was thick enough to have some writing on the inside, which it did. The writing said ‘forever with you, love’ and was really sweet. 

Roman always liked to ‘show off what was his’ as he put it. It was always sweet and even more so when all of a sudden Roman would just grab Virgil’s hand and swing then making sure that it was clear that they were taken.

Now, It was Virgil and Roman’s 5-year anniversary of being very happily married, and together for 10, so Virgil planned on doing something special for the other male in the relationship. However, when Virgil was about to ask Roman on a romantic dinner-date Roman called Virgil down or dinner. It was just a simple candle-lit dinner but both enjoyed it more than they would have enjoyed going out.

Now around 2 years later Roman is face-planted on his and Virgils shred bed crying softly to himself, mumbling some incoherent words. Virgil walked in and instantly noticed something was wrong. He then saw Roman face-planted on the bed and heard a strangled choking cry from the man. 

“Baby what’s wrong?” Virgil cooed, stroking Roman’s hair in a soothing way.

“What if- if-” Roman cut himself off with a small sniffle, followed by a gasp for air.

“What if what Sweetie?” Virgil said in a calm and soothing tone.

“What if Husband-Senpai doesn’t notice me!” Roman asked/yelled throwing himself into Virgil’s arms.

“Who?” Virgil asked, confused, looking down at the man in his arms.

“Husband-Senpai!” Roman said in a tone that made it seem like Virgil should know who that is.

“Me?” Virgil asked after going through a quick process of elimination in his head.

“Duh!” Roman said like a toddler and snuggled into Virgil.

“Well then, don’t worry, I’m sure he notices you,” He said, smiling and wrapping his arms around the waist of the boy in his chest.

“Are you sure?” He said looking up with hopeful eyes.

“Positive,” Virgil responded, giving Roman a kiss on the forehead in which to he got a big grin.

Sorry it's short! Also, I'm going to write 25-30 chapters! I take requests too! Stay safe!<3

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