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Cop!Roman Also Roman is 24 and Virgil is 23. Very important!

 Roman was in his office working on a case when his answering machine went off. There was some buzzing and then a voice that Roman recognized as one of his coworkers. The voice of his coworker said they needed backup at a local bar. The address was just some random street but from the reviews, the bar is a nice and usually peaceful place so it was really a shock to every one to hear what was going on.

Roman got in his police car and drove down the road. He didn’t turn on his sirens for the main reason being that he didn’t want to have to go fill out the paperwork. 

He drove down the road and looked out the front window waiting to see the luminescent lights that would surely be the sign. He kept driving until he came across a neon sign that faded and blinked to get attention. He knew it was the bar and quickly parked his car.

He opened the car door and went to grab his gun- he forgot his gun. He had everything else but his bloody gun. Well, at least he had his taser and his bulletproof vest. He went in and hated what he saw.

Virgil was in his house when his “girlfriend” barged in. He didn’t have a girlfriend but they were both in college and she convinced everyone that they were dating. Which didn’t work out in Virgil’s favor cause he was gay and the whole campus thought he was straight and taken. 

“Are you cheating on me?!” She screamed on the verge of tears. Virgil’s roommate knew he was gay and single so when he heard this he looked up from his phone most likely ready to see a show.

“We aren’t even dating,” Virgil replied calmly. Her coming in here was a normal thing for all three people who had to witness it.

“How could you say that?! First, you hook up with my best friend and now you’re breaking up with me! After everything we’ve been through!” Now the girl that Virgil still didn’t really even know the name of was full-on sobbing. 

Virgil never liked this girl but it made him uncomfortable to see her crying in his dorm. His dormmate was holding back laughter and Virgil just glared daggers at him. 

“Umm... There there, it’s ok. Now, where did you hear this” Virgil said in a forgiving and soothing tone.

The girl sniffled and looked up at Virgil with sad watery eyes. “She told me that you kissed her yesterday in the hallway when she was coming back from her tutoring lesson.”

Virgil looked at his roommate and he burst out laughing. The girl also looked up at the roommate now with confusion fogging the sadness she showed seconds ago.

When the laughter died down, Virgil’s roommate began to speak. “I’m sorry, it’s just- Virgil didn’t leave the room yesterday.” The roommate was still holding back some laughter.

The girl’s face turned pale. Virgil guessed she realized that her ‘friend’ was a liar and just trying to start something. She apologized and left kissing Virgil on the cheek.

“Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew!” Virgil said, wiping lipstick off his cheek while his roommate was laughing.

“Ha! You shouldn’t have helped her. You should have just let her leave and let the new spread.” His roommate said in a matter-of-fact way.

“I can’t do that! Then I would be known as a cheater and a player and neither titles fit me! I would rather wait and break up with her in a civil manner.” Virgil replied. It was true, he wanted to wait till after college to break it off. Which, he is in his last year so it wasn’t too far fetched. 

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