Funhouse Mishaps

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Roman walked into the room with five other people already there. He recognized all of them. Remus, his brother, was one of them. Along with the man he treasured most, his boyfriend. He looked at the three he hasn’t identified yet and found two of his friends and one of his brother’s friends. The three other boy’s names were Patton, Logan, and Deceit. That isn’t his real name but no one besides Remus knows it. 

“So does anyone know why we are here?” Roman asked, sitting next to Virgil and putting an arm around his waist protectively.

“No idea Princey,” Virgil answered, putting his head on Roman’s shoulder.

“Well aren’t you just J-Delightful today,” Roman said sarcastically, rolling his eyes at his lover.

Virgil lifted his head and tilted it to the side showing Roman he had no idea what he was talking about. Roman noticed this and scoffed at Virgil looking away and putting a hand on his chest to show he was hurt. Virgil giggled and smacked his arm lightly resting his head back of the taller man’s shoulder.

“That that you two lovebirds are done, we should completely ignore all of this.” Deceit said, looking at the others in the room, clearly lying.

“Deceit is right, we should assess the current situation,” Logan said, straightening his glasses.

“Ooh, I have something to say! We were all dragged to a place that looked suspiciously like a rundown funhouse!” Remus said while Logan just glared at him, sort of angry.

“Yes, thank you for that Remus,” He said glaring at the one dressed in green. “Anything else?” He said, looking around the table.

“You should watch your back! And stick in groups of two. Ya lose count of three to quickly -hey that rhymes- and one is just stupid!” A voice said out of nowhere, a feminine one which was odd, considering the room was only had six boys in it.

“Now now Scout, don’t help the humans too much.” a low, deep male voice said, scolding the feminine voice, Scout presumingly.

“Sorry Master.” the girl’s voice said confirming the suspicions of her being Scout.

Virgil started freaking out, hyperventilating. It seemed he was on the verge of a panic attack. Roman rubbed circles on his back, telling him to breathe in four and hold three then out four. He also said to focus on one thing. Roman drew his sword, ready to fight anything. Virgil was looking at the floor, slowing his breaths down, looking up at Roman, and latched himself on to the slightly older boy.

“I’ll take Roman,” Virgil said sounding slightly terrified. Roman wrapped an arm around the fragile boy protectively.

The others got into groups of two as well, then they all separated ways. Roman and Virgil were walking down a long hall with silly mirrors on either side. At one mirror in made you short and plump. Another made you look tall and skinny, the classics. Roman found it interesting and Virgil was panicking eternally. At the end of the hallway, there was something that looked like an elevator thing. Roman looked like he was about to jump in and Virgil had no say because he had his face buried in the side of Roman’s neck and the rest of him was squeezing Roman’s poor arm to death.

Roman walked in the elevator and it shot up and into an odd-looking room. Virgil was panicking and Roman was trying to calm him down when he saw movement from the corner of his eye. He went to draw his sword on;y to find it missing.

“My my, what a nice sword this is. Of course, I shouldn’t be the judge of that. I don’t use swords myself. My friend, however, does. In fact, here he is right now.” A blonde girl in a revealing outfit said while holding Roman’s sword.

Suddenly a boy with two swords came and looked just about ready to slice their throats That’s when Virgil looked up and noticed it. Both had beady plastic-looking eyes and hair that looked like wigs. The girl looked like she had lost an arm and it has been sewn back on. The boy looked like he had seen some days too. He had was looked ton be wires hanging out of himself. The two looked like some sort of puppet duo. 

“Now now you two. In order to survive, you have to play a few games with us! If you don’t pass master says you get to be our pets! If you do, he says we have to give you up and let you go. Let’s no be silly, that won’t happen!” She said, twirling the blade of the word in between her fingers, cutting them to shreds in the making. Her other hand had stitching on the fingers, presumably from the same thing. 

The first test was described as some sort of lie detector/how well do you know each other type of thing. The boys were sure to pass with ease.

“All right you brats! First question: what was the other person breakfast three days ago.”

“Cookie Crisp cereal and a cup of coffee,” Roman said, confident in his answer. He was right.

The two got the next questions right and it was time for game two. The two men had to perform a swinging act above a fire. It was death-defying and Roman was almost dropped. 

The final task was a difficult one. The boys would e brought to a graveyard where Roman would have to find a witch and distract her by flirting with her. In this time Virgil would find a box with a key that leads to the outside of the Funhouse and they could go home.

Roman whined about having to flirt with a girl and how it was unfair for a gay man to pretend to be straight. Virgil gave him a kiss and reminded him that he could do it just this once because he did it for fifteen years of is life.

The two boys ran out of the Funhouse hand in hand, sharing another kiss when they could barely make out the silhouette of the death trap they just escaped.

Sorry I couldn't make soething better for pride month. But hey, it's still good! Also, for the anime fans out there, I'm making a Fairy Tail ship book complete with Gratsu, Jerza, Gale, Nalu, Fraxus, and more! Happy Pride! Also also, my birthday was The 15th do for Run comwnt Tours and find tour birthday-Buddy. Bye!!

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