Thanksgiving Dinner

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Thanksgiving special! Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate!

Patton was cooking dinner in the kitchen and Logan was helping him. Virgil and Roman were wrapped in a blanket watching Disney+ on the TV. Virgil was cuddled into Roman's chest as the watched Gravity Falls.

Patton walked over to them.

"Hey kiddos! Watcha watching?"

Roman and Virgil looked up at Patton and smiled.

"What are you doing out here Dad?"

Virgil ask the question to which Patton responded quickly.

"Oh! Logan told me to relax a little because we were starting to prep the turkey."

Virgil and Roman looked at each other and agreed not to tell Patton and ruin his innocents.

"Well my dearest friend, you are welcome to watch Disney with us till Logan lets you back in the kitchen."


Patton sat in the living room with Roman and Virgil. Patton sat close to Roman and Virgil but not as close as they sat to each other.

Roman and Virgil started dating 3 days ago. Well at least to the other sides knowledge. That's when the announced they were dating but Patton had a hunch that they had been dating for much longer then they let on.

One of his clues was the way Roman knew Virgil. He new his dark strange son better than anyone. Well almost anyone. Roman seemed to know Virgil better than Patton. Roman also knew what to do to make Virgil happy or angry or flustered.

His second clue was Virgil. He knows Virgil well. He knows that Virgil would want to release a relationship weeks after it started. Cause he's anxious.

His third clue was how they acted. They acted like they were dating. The one day Patton went to give Virgil the coffee he asked Patton to make him and he heard Roman. He was talking to Virgil and said something inaudible and then he heard giggling.

Logan called Patton back into the kitchen after A Tale of Two Stans.
Patton came running in and finished cooking for the dinner.

They decided not to invite the dark sides but did invite Remy and Emile.

Remy and Emile showed up and they all ate. The dinner was great and Patton even made dessert.

For the dessert they had cinnamon rolls, apple pie, pumpkin pie, cherry pie, chocolate mousse pie, and strawberry mousse pie.

Its safe to say that they had lots of leftovers.

Sorry its a shorter one but it was really fun to make. I don't have anywhere to go today but we ate having Thanksgiving at my house for the first time. Again sorry its so short.

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