Worst Day Ever

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I've been reading a coffee shop Au book and I wanna right one again. It's been living in me head rent free.

Roman worked at a local bakery as a cashier. He didn't hate his job but it was boring. He didn't make any of the pastries but he always got questions about them. Today was no different.

A friendly looking older woman came into the store and greeted Roman with a welcoming smile.

"Hello young man, I was wonder if you have any raspberry crowns and apple turnovers?" Was looking at Roman with eyes that have a million stories.

"Yes ma'am we do! How many of each would you like?" Roman said while tapping the computer screen that calculated all the prices.

"Could I have seven raspberry crowns and eight apple turnovers? It's my granddaughter's high school graduation and we're celebrating. She's always loved apple turnovers and raspberry crowns," the older woman explained while pulling out a credit card.

"Of course! Tell her I said congratulations," Roman replied, already putting the treats in boxes.

"Thank you sir! Have a wonderful day sugar!" She said as she walked out.

"You too!" Roman responded while waving her goodbye.

Roman's next three customers made the old lady seem like a dream. A wonderful dream. The next three customers came in a group of two and the a singular older guy.

The duo was probably in the age group of fifteen and sixteen and they both were really ignorant. The fifteen year old kept demanding thing like a toddler and the sixteen year old just sat on their phone.

"Uhh Hello?" Roman said was the two walked up to him. The sixteen year old looked up and then back at his phone.

"Hey," he said with a slight flick of his wrist.

"Buba, can I have that?" The fifteen year old pointed to baklava. The sixteen stayed of his phone, ignore the shorter one.

BUBA!! YOU'RE NOT LISTENING!" She shout while flailing her arms and stomping her feet.

"Sure, you can have whatever," he said dismissively.

"Yay! Thank you, buba," she said while giving him a side hug to which he pushed her away.

Roman felt uncomfortable because there relationship felt like a weird social media thing. He seemed like some weird online boyfriend. He quickly packed their sweets up and was happy to see them leave.

An hour later, 3 minutes before closing, a man, who looked to be fifty came over to Roman. At that time Roman was on is phone because it was a slow day and he wanted Virgil to know that he was going to be home soon.

The man slammed his hands on the counter and startled Roman, who set his phoen down.

"Finally, I've been 'ere forever!" The man whined. He then went on about how kids nowadays are to addicted to technology even though Roman was clearly twenty-six.

"Sir, if you don't order ayrhing I am going to have to ask you to leave as we are closing soon" Roman said calmly, even if he wanted to smack this guy upside his head.

"Do not interrupt me! I was jus' gettin to that part I was. I'll have an apple fritter and a blueberry muffin, now." The man said with a thick accent.

Roman instinctively rolled his eyes and gave the bastard his food.

"Have a nice evening sir!" Roman said, trying his best to maintain hospitality and not stoop to this guy's level.

"The man huffed and then looked at Roman, I don't need to thank you, you're just a filthy baker boy. Woman belong in the kitchen, not strong men like me." He said before leaving. Roman decided not to chase him and beat the living shit out of him, but only because he had places to be.

Roman went behind the shop and grabbed his bike. He quickly cycled home and opened the front door.

"Virgil! I'm home!" He shouted as he flopped down on their couch.

"Roman! How was work?" Virgil said while laying his head on Roman's lap.

"Awful," Roman proclaimed while playing with his boyfriend's hair, "First I had this nice older lady, but it went downhill from there. I had this really weird TikTok couple and then I had some old guy who yelled at me because he thinks woman belong in the kitchen."

"That does sound awful, do you want to cuddle it out?" Virgil asked while looking up at his love.

"Obviously" Roman said with a smile on his face.

He lead Virgil into their bedroom where the cuddling and watched The Owl House.

The ending is weak but I had Band today so I'm tired. Also, I have been busy with summer work. At my school, Honors classes get work over the summer and so I have some summer work. I have also been busy watching The Owl House and the DreamSMP to update. Stay safe and drink water!

Question: What is your favorite LGBTQIA+ kids show? (Mine's Craig of the Creek!)

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