Hamilton (Wait for it)

492 16 32

Roman (POV)

I watched as Patton walked away. He had just got married and I came to congratulate him when Remus called me out on my love for Virgil. Thankfully none of them knew that it was Virgil that had stolen my heart.

"It's alright Ro, I wish you brought this boy with you tonight Ro," Patton said, putting his hand on my shoulder, he found a bench for both of us to sit on. He sat and I followed in pursuit.

"You're very kind, but I'm afraid it's unlawful sir," I said looking down, remembering the poor situation.

"What do you mean?"Patton asked, sounding giddy and confused, probably from being drunk.

"He's married," I said quickly and quietly.

"I see," Patton said, clearly trying to come up with a work-around. I guess I should drop the statement of neutrality.

"He's married to a British officer." I proclaimed.

"Oh shoot." He said, looking up at me, with shook and pity practically written on his face.

"Congratulations again, Patton. Smile more. I'll see you on the other side of the war." I said, standing up of of the bench he sat us on.

"I will never understand you."Patton said "If you love this boy go get him. What are you waiting for?"

"I'll see you on the other of the war," I said again, looking at him with eyes that held longing in them. A longing for Virgil.

"I'll see you on the other side of the war," He repeated, walking away to his group of friends. The freedom fighters, as I liked to call them.

I turned the other direction and put my hands in my pockets, walking away from the cheers that could be heard. I sighed and then inhaled the chilly night air.

"Virgil writes me a letter every day," I say to no one but the crisp air and the stars.

The stars. I take a hand out of my pocket and looked at the skying, reaching for it. It holds so much for me. Virgil and me together, our future kid, a life where nothing is holding us back.

"I'm keeping up at home while his wife is away," I tell the stars as if they are the ones who decide my fate, my future.

"She's on the British side of Georgia, she's trying to keep the colonies in line." I smiled as a stated my case to the stars.

"Well she can keep all of Georgia, Virgil, he's mine." I closed my eyes, imaging such a perfect future. I looking down, opening my eyes to see the grass beneath my feet and my cold, shaking hands.

"Love doesn't discriminate, between the sinners and the saints." I let the words roll off my tongue, looking back up at the stars. Every word, every thought. Coming out, sharing itself with the world.

"It takes and it takes and it takes and we keep loving anyway," I announced to the stars, the gods, the world, the world needed to know.

"We laugh and we cry and we break and we make our mistakes," I couldn't help that thought from slipping, each time I open my mouth, it seemed the words got more and more real.

"And if there's a reason I'm by his side when so many have tried then I'm willing to wait for it. I'm willing to wait for it." I thought of all the past men and women Virgil told me about. He always sounded annoyed and anxious when talking about them. It always makes me feel like him and I are meant to be.

I remember the letter he sent me two days ago. He asked about my family. He is my only family.

'My grandfather was a fire and brimstone preacher.' I wrote, remembering him and the rest of my family.

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