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I was reading and this idea struck in my head.

Warning: Slight Remus. And where there's a Remus there's small amounts of sexual stuff. Only a paragraph though so..

Ever since Virgil showed up Roman couldn’t get him out of his head. Being the romantic side, Roman knew what this meant. He was in love with Virgil. The only thing he didn’t know, however, was that Virgil felt the same. Now, months later, Picani, Remy, and surprisingly occasionally Remus had to listen to his little rants.

It. Was. Torture.

It was an ordinary day for the three boys. Roman would be in his room daydreaming about Virgil and then he would call most likely just Remy and Picani in his room. Ranting about how perfect he is for hours on end.

“He just so perfect! With his purple shirt and his ripped jeans. Not to mention his hair, of course. I mean, I know my hair is amazing but his hair is just-” He paused, as if not knowing the right word to describe his crush of 4 years. Instead of finishing the sentence, he sighed dreamily.

“He just- the one. I really like him,” He said, hugging a pillow.

“Sometimes he’s a cute creepy cookie but other times he’s a really hot emo nightmare. It’s not fair!” He exclaimed, sitting up and throwing his hands in the air and then flopping back down with a muffled thump.

Picani spoke up in a quiet voice. “Maybe you should tell him, or at least ask him out. If he asks if it’s a date, you can say ‘only if you want it to be’. If he says no to it being a date. Play it off like you were asking him like a friend.”

 “Yeah fake it til’ you make it, babes,” Remy said taking a long sip of his Starbucks. 

Picani jokingly smacked him in the arm which caused him to fall down dramatically, of course.

“Hey Roman?” Picani asked making both of the other boys in the room look up at him.

“Yes?” Roman replied in a defeated prince demeanor. 

“Have you ever thought of writing love letters?” Picani suggested in a soft voice.

“Yes, I have,” Roman answered rather dismissive of the idea.

“Then Why don’t you?” Picani and Remy said at the same time. Although Remy was way sassier than Emile.

“Listen, love letters aren’t really Virgil’s thing. He would much rather something spooky and an assortment of dead and living red roses with cobwebs on them.” Roman said frighteningly specific.

“Okay then..” Picani said trailing off, not wanting to push the matter of the whole rose thing.

“I’m in love,” Roman said after what felt like years worth of awkward silents.

“I mean his eyes, his face, his makeup-” Roman was cut off by Remy interrupting his small rant of the day.

“Ok babes, we get it, he’s dreamy,” Remy said effectively cutting Roman off. 

“Let the man talk, Remy,” Emile said defending Roman’s honor.

“Ugh fine, but I have to go get more coffee and do some real work,” Remy said before leaving the two boys alone.

“And his lips look so soft and kissable. I wonder what kind of chapstick he uses.” Roman said bringing his hand to his lips hand brushing his fingertips against them slightly. Most likely imagining the gloomier boy’s lips on his.

“Sorry Roman but this part is usually when our sessions end. When you talking about the couply stuff. Although I am noting that this admiration is getting worse.” He said pulling out his clipboard and writing something down.

He gave Roman a small hug and walk out of the room. He then walked to his office while Roman stayed in his room alone.

“Hey Roman,” an unmistakable voice said from near his desk.

“Hi, Remus” Roman said with a sigh but didn’t make an attempt to look at the boy. Instead, he flopped back on his bed and smooshed his face deeper hin his pillow.

“No attempt to kick me out? That’s new. Anyway, do you want to talk about your burning sexual passion for Virgil?” He said wiggling his shoulders, not that Roman could see.

“Yes actually,” Roman said, which was a new response for both of the brothers.

“Really? Well then, what’s got you feeling like a chimpanzee’s butt?” Remus said happy to actually talk to his brother.

“Well, he’s just so- amazing, everything about him,” Roman said, removing his face from the pillow and instead he hugged it like it would disappear if he didn’t.

“Come one Roman, you’re with me now, skip to the juicy bits,” Remus said as he is not a fan of all the sappy stuff Roman talked about with his best friends.

“I like his butt. The skinny jeans are so form-fitting. His hair is messy but in a sexy way. It makes me want to pin him down and mess it up even more.” Roman rambled on and on about more things that make him want to do PJ-13 things to Virgil. He may not always like his brother, but he was always glad he had someone he can let things like that out too.

“There, see. Wasn’t that better?” Remus asked, glad he helped his brother.

“Yeah, thanks,” Roman replied, feeling better after getting that off his chest.

Virgil was in his room thinking about his crush of 2 years. He knew Roman would never like him back but it doesn’t hurt to dream. He only told Patton about his crush. Patton is still convinced that Roman liked him back but Virgil wasn’t too sure. 

Virgil decided that the best way to deal with this was to listen to music. The first song was Victorious by Panic! At The Disco, next was Unstoppable by The Score, and last was Uma Thurman by Fall Out Boy. Alone the songs were great but together could make a person feel like they could do anything. With that being said, Virgil got a sudden boost of confidence and decided that tomorrow he would ask Roman out. 

He woke up the next morning and thought all of his confidence was gone but a little voice in his head told him to keep going with the plan, and so he did. He got up and got dressed in his normal clothes. He walked down to the kitchen and when he saw Roman he immediately speed-walked over to the prince-like man. 

“Oh hey, Virgil-” Roman started but before he could finish he was interrupted with a kiss on the lips. Roman showed no sign of shock as he kissed back almost immediately with twice as much want and passion. 

Everyone looked at them and all of them were happy. Logan was just more confused.

“About time kiddo! You’ve been ranting to me for 2 years now.” Patton said while clapping.

Roman and Virgil pulled away and Virgil blushed. Not because of the kiss, but for the fact that Patton had told everyone that he had a crush on Roman for two years.

“Only 2 years?! You got off easy! Me and Emile had to listen to Roman for 4 years!” Remy exclaimed throwing his hands in the air.

“Emile and I, Remy. Proper grammar is very important.” Logan said, ignoring the bickering.

“And you!” Remy exclaimed pointing to Logan. “You didn’t even have to worry about the constant bickering of a crush! So don’t you tell me what AIN’T proper grammar!” Remy yelled emphasizing the ain’t for effect. 

Seconds later they were all playfully bickering about who had it he worst while Logan was just correcting anyone who used their grammar wrong.

Roman turned to see Virgil giving him an angelic smile. Roman quickly pecked his lips and Then hugged him by the waist.

“I love you, creepy cookie,” Roman said kissing his boyfriend on the cheek. 

“I love you too, princey,” Virgil replied as he laid his head on Roman’s chest.

If you expected that then props to you. Anyway, bye, love you, stay safe <3 ^^

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