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An AU where you and your soulmate see the same color. All other colors are black and white.

Virgil woke up and got out of bed. Of course it wasn't his choice to get up. He more of groaned and tossed and turned and accidently rolled off the bed. The he pulled the blanket down with him and sat on the floor wrapped in three blankets and a comforter even though it was summer and 88% outside. He then groaned once more and got dressed.

He put on he usual patched hoodie and ripped jeans. He walked down stairs and Roman gawked at him. He stared confusingly and then realized that he was wearing a hoodie and jeans.

He decided to just ignore the gawking prince and continue with his morning routine. When he finished his morning coffee he sat down and waited for Patton and Logan to finish breakfast.

"How..?" Roman said catching Virgil's attention

"How what?" Virgil said lifting his eyebrow slightly

"How do you survive in jeans and a hoodie in 88% weather? You didn't even change your routine" Roman said looking at Virgil and tilting his head slightly

"Hey that's not fair. I did!" Virgil said lifting his head slightly.

"Really?" Roman said

"Yeah" Virgil said with a sudden boosted of confidence

"Then How" Roman said referring to how he changed his routine

"I had ice coffee instead of hot coffee." Virgil said his new found confidence surprisingly not going anywhere.

The two boys stared at each other for what felt like ever. It was an unjustified stare-down. They then started to laugh. This was a usual occurrence for the two boys. On camera they may seem cruel to one another but in reality they were good friends.

Patton and Logan soon came over with sunny-side up eggs, toast, and hash browns.

"Alright kiddos, breakfast is served!" Patton said in his normal chipper mood.

Everyone started eating and let the warm tasted of the freshly cooked food engulf their taste-buds.

Patton always had a way of making his food taste like a five star gourmet chef made it.

"Hey kiddos?" Patton said grabbing everyone's attention.

"I heard Thomas is making a Sander Sides video today." He said in which some sides groaned and others smiled.

"Splendid! I'm guessing Thomas liked my newest idea." Roman said with his mouth almost full of the delicious food Patton and Logan prepared.

"I guess he did Princey." Virgil said smirking at Roman.

They finished breakfast and sat at the table conversing about the new video.
Thomas then called them and they all appeared ready for the video.

"Alright guys! I'm sure you've heard that we are filming today. About what I'm sure Roman is the only one that knows that." Thomas said and the sides all looked at Roman and he just nodded in agreement.

"So to start, here is the script." Thomas handed all of them a script with their specific parts highlighted.

The sides looked at their parts and tried to memorized the first page. Virgil looked over his part and rolled his eyes.

"Man Sir-Sing-A-Lot, do you like it when we fight or something?" Everyone looked at Virgil and he turned his script to Roman one pointed to the parts they fought in.

"No I don't, but the viewers do." Roman said with a sigh as if he new Virge would say something.

"Yeah ok, that's fair." Virgil said turning his scripted back towards himself.

Ever one continued to read their own scripted ignoring Roman and Virgil's bickering.

They were roughly half way done with the second page which is the part where the fight would take place.

Roman and Virgil started they fight just like they had scripted. Roman would make fun of Virgil, He would have some witty comment and they would argue. Exactly how they scripted it. Except it didn't go how they planned.

Roman made fun of Virgil, Virgil had his witty comment but the fight wasn't the scripted fight at all.

"Well a least I'm not a black and white emo nightmare!" Roman said in his confident princely tone.

"Oh yeah well guess what?! At least I don't wear some stupid red sash!" Virgil snapped back his arms crossed over his chest.

"W-what..?" Roman stuttered quietly catching Virgil off-guard.

"What?" Virgil said confused as to why Roman stuttered seeing as he never does that. Ever.

"You see red too?" Roman said in an oddly enough hopeful tone.

"Yes..." Virgil said surprised at what they two boys just realized.

They were soul mates.

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