Teachers Part 2

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This is part two to the 2nd part of this story.

Roman was at the elementary school to see what six graders would like to sign up for choir. He was holding a meeting in the cafeteria to his knowledge.

He was sitting in the cafeteria on the stage when he noticed kids coming in. Specifically kindergartners. Then he notices kindergarten teachers coming in.

This was his chance to meet Patton!

He looked at all the teachers and thought of Virgil's description of the man.

He is one of the only male kindergarten teachers. He has a blue polo, khakis, and a grey cardigan around his shoulders. Can't miss him.

Roman looked around for not even 2 seconds and found the man. Virgil was right, he stuck out like a sore thumb. Not only was he the one of the only boys, but he radiated a good mood.

Time to introduce himself as Virgil's friend and choir teacher from the high school.

Roman ran of the stage to introduce himself. He was practically bouncing. He didn't know why but for some reason he wanted to to if Patton heard of him through Virgil.

"Hey! Are you Patton?"

The bubbly man turned around and definitely matched Virgil's description perfectly.

"Um.. Yeah I am. Do I know you? Wait are you a knew teacher here!"

Roman looked at Patton as he bounced at the thought of him being a new teacher.

"Uh? Oh no I'm not a new teacher. I'm the choir teacher from over at the high school. Virgil told me about you and I came to meet you."

The man deflated a small amount when he found out Roman wasn't a new teacher. He did bounce back when Roman said he was a new friend of Virgil's.

"Well I'm glad he's made a friend! He's normally very antisocial. What's your name?"


"Oh! Your Roman! Yeah Virgil talks about you all the time."

"Oh really? What does he say?"

Roman's voice was dripping was mischief and curiosity. He was expecting that Virgil talked about him, but was still curious to know what he said.

"Um.. He says its not fair a lot when he talks about you."

"Really? What's 'not fair' to him?"

Now Roman was extra curious. What could possibly be not fair in Virgil's eyes?

"Well he says its not fair about a perfect your skin is, and he said its not for how you look like a Disney prince, and he said its not fair how you have a perfect voice, and a whole bunch of other stuff!"

"O-oh... Well then. I guess we're even if that's how he feels."

Roman was in complete and under dismay. He was not expecting that. Virgil thought he was perfect? He cheeks were practically bright red.

Now he had to talk to Virgil about this one.


Roman was done getting kids to sign up for choir. He had at least 60 kids sign up so that was a plus. He had to go back over to the high school though.

He was ecstatic to talk to Virgil especially after hearing what he thought of him. He though he was perfect. It made Roman's heart flutter.

He got back to the high school and was bouncing with the anticipation of being able to see Virgil.

He wanted to tell Virgil that he felt the same way. He wanted to tell Virgil that he though he was the perfect one. He wanted to ask him to be his boyfriend.

He walked into the art room knowing that neither of them had a class to deal with.

"Hey Virge!"

"Huh? Oh hey Ro. How was your trip to the other side?"

"Great I met Patton. He was so friendly!"

"Yeah he's like that."

"Oh and Virgil?"


"Love you too."


Roman left the art room and after he was half way down the hallway he heard screaming.


"Nothing much~"


Roman started running down the hallway to the chorus room for his next class with a very flustered Virgil chasing after him.

Roman was laughing but Virgil wasn't. He wanted to know what the heck Pat told him.

This was by for the best year at the school. Well apart from the year they got married, but that's a story for another day.

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