House on the Hill (Part 1?)

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"Do you want to move in with me? I may or may not have bought a house and then I realized I need help to pay rent..." Roman finished his proposal and looked up at Virgil for an answer. The two boys have been best friends since diapers and Roman wanted to move in with his best friend for life.

"Sure why not? It could be fun" Virgil said as he looked at his best friend, giving him his infamous side smile. Roman smiled back brightly, showing off his perfect pearly white teeth.

"So am I going to get to see my new house or what?" Virgil asked sarcastically. Roman rolled his eyes and grabbed Virgil's wrist.

"Well mister gloom and doom, if you follow me, I will show you your new residence." Virgil felt his face flush slightly when Roman grabbed his hand. He shook his head slightly and blamed it on the hot weather.

Roman and Virgil walked down the sidewalk, Roman still dragging Virgil by his wrist. The two boys got to a driveway. The first half looked paved but the second half was gravel. Virgil followed the driveway with his eyes and came to an old-looking wooden cabin sitting on a hill, secluded from the rest of town. It was no doubt one of those houses that kids would dare each other to ring the doorbell on Halloween or one of the houses that the town made up ghost stories about. You know, those kinds of houses.

Virgil looked at Roman with an eyebrow raised. He was surprised Roman picked such a secluded and creepy house considering he was a creative person and preferred fancy modern houses and to be in the middle of town. The talk of the town in a good way, not as a ghost story.

"What? I know that look. If it's about the house then I can tell you why I picked it, but I think you're going to see why today and later tonight." Roman said as he turned around.

"If you say so Princey," Virgil responded looking at Roman and then back at the house.

"Well, let's go," Roman said and let go of Virgil's hand to walk up the driveway. Virgil would be lying if he said he didn't miss Roman's touch. They continued on the driveway until they reached the house. It was creepier up close than far away. Not that Virgil really minded. He looked back at Roman one last time as he opened the door.

"Hey Ro?" Virgil asked using the nickname for the creative one that he rarely used, causing the taller one to look up at him from the doorknob.

"Yes, Virgil?" Roman responded, looking back at the door, still fiddling with the key.

"Can I have the other key to the house please?" Virgil asked, watching Roman fiddle with the key-hole.

"Of course! Oh wait, I forgot to give it to you. Sorry Virge, here it is." Roman handed him the key and smiled brightly. Virgil pocketed the key and looked at the trees that made a 'U' around the back of the house. The one tree looked to be planted and had pears growing on it. Virgil smiled fondly. Pears have always been one of his favorite fruits. He heard a faint click and turned to see the door was opened.

"We might need to get a new lock," Virgil said as he walked in behind Roman.

"Uh? Oh no, I just put the key in the lock upside down," Roman said as he gave a big toothy grin.

"Only you Roman, only you," Virgil said shaking his head fondly.

The two boys walked through the door and were welcomed with dusted furniture that looked to be from the '40s. The whole house looked to be lost in time with the faded green walls and striped furniture, not to mention the infinite supply of floral patterns they now had access to. Roman and Virgil walked upstairs after exploring the blue kitchen and pink and green bathrooms. They opened the first door on the right of the staircase and found a dusty bedroom. From the pink and white flowery color scheme, they assumed the bedroom once belonged to a little girl.

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