To the Second

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This is another soulmate AU. But this time its the one where you have a watch and it counts down to the second you meat them.

Roman was walking down the street. He needed to go grocery shopping. He looked at his wrist which was a tendency he had. His eyes opened as wide as the possibly could. There on his wrist the watch read 24:32... 24:31... 24:30... 24:29... Roman got ecstatic. 24 minutes till he met his soulmate!

Roman loved the idea of soulmates. He felt that they were so amazing! Think someone who is made for you. He always found them so entrancing.

He walked through the grocery store certain that he would meet his soulmate. He already knew one thing about them. He was gonna be a boy.

Roman always knew he was gay. He always loved the 'girly' things that boys don't normally like.

Roman was done getting his groceries and went to the cash register. He hadn't met new people in the store so the cashier must be his soulmate!

Roman walked up to the cash register to meat his soulmate. He looked down at his watch expecting to see 00:00. To his surprise that's not what his watch read. His watch read 12:37. That meant he still had 12 minutes.

Roman let out a sigh of defeat and headed to the exit after getting his groceries scanned. He decided that he might as well go to the coffee and sweets shop down the street. Besides he heard that the cannolis were really good and he wanted to try them for himself.

*Virgil POV*_____

It was a decent day. The sky was cloudy. But not the kind of cloudy that when you look outside you want to go back inside. Not the cloudy that made the sky dark and gloomy. The kind of cloudy that but you in a bubbly mood. With those big fluffy white as snow clouds.

Virgil looked at his watch. This was a rare thing to him but he did it when he was bored 11:27.. 11:26.. 11:25.. 11:24. Virgil looked up from his watch. The, most likely, next person to come in that door is the person he is destined to be with. Virgil believed that soul mates were a real and not bad for people but didn't care much about them. Unlike his employer Patton.

Virgil worked at a small but well known coffee and sweets shop. The shop was untitled 'Bakery and Coffee' it wasn't the most creative name but it didn't matter much.

Today Virgil was working the register. He didn't like this position much because you had to talk to people.

Virgil got stuck with this position after he lossed the rock paper scissors match with his coworkers Remy and Emile.

He sat at the counter spinning the pen that he discovered was on the counter 18 seconds ago. The pen glided in between his fingers effortlessly. He sigh a sigh of calm as he relaxed with the pen still making its merry way through his hands.


He jolt back into the proper position at the sound of the bell. This meant that someone had came in the shop. This meant that his soulmate had came into the shop.

He smiled and looked at the man. He was maybe an inch or two taller than Virgil. He had hazel hair with dyed red tips. He had tan skin compared to his paper whit skin.

"Hello sir. What can I get for you?"

Virgil looked at his watch and just as he expected it said 00:00. He looked back up at the man and then at the strangers watch. His watch also said 00:00. This guy was his soulmate.

The guy didn't seem to notice this so Virgil continued to do his job.

"Can I get 4 cannolis?"

"Sure thing. May I ask your name?"


"Well Roman, you should check your wrist."


Roman looked down at his wrist his eyes widened and he smiled. He looked back up at Virgil with big eyes.

"And what's your name soulmate?"

"My names Virgil."

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