Elric Brother Style

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Lightly Based of of an amazing anime and manga: Full Metal Alchemist (Brotherhood)

Roman was 4 years old when he made his first real friend. Before that, he never left the house and usually played outside by himself. When he turned 9, he and his best friend learned to ride bikes. It was so much fun.

They were both outside rough-housing like nine-year-old boys do. They were laughing and rolling around in the grass underneath the warm basking light of the sun. Roman’s dad came home and they both ran inside to greet him. Although Roman’s friend wasn’t blood-related family, he was an orphan and was treated as part of the family.

“Dad!” Roman yelled upon seeing his father, running to give him a hug with his friend on his tail. It was never said but they always had competitions to see who could get to the front door first.  

“Hey, kiddo!” Roman’s dad said leaning down and embracing him in a hug.

“Hello,” Roman’s friend said, waving at Roman’s dad enthusiastically.

“I told you, you can call me Dad.” He said giving off a friendly and welcoming chuckle.

“Ok, Dad!” Roman’s more of a broth than a friend said. Offering a toothy grin in return of the wholehearted smile.

Roman’s mother walked out of the kitchen to join the conversation. Roman’s mom had her cooking apron on and she gave a sweet kiss on the cheek as a sign of affection to her husband. Roman gagged and his ‘friend’ laughed at his silly antics.

“Lunch his ready you three,” She said, referring to the three boys in the room.

“Yummy! Come on let’s go!” Roman said, running to the kitchen ready to eat the beef stew his mother had prepared. 

He sat down at the table next to his best friend. He bounced up and down in sync with the other bouncing boy next to him.

His mother placed ceramic bowls and soup spoons next to them. She put plastic cups filled to the brim with sweet chocolaty milk. Roman grabbed his with two hands and took a large gulp from his drink. He put the cup and smiled, licking his upper lip to rid himself of the chocolate mustache they milk had left behind. Then, his mother walked over and grabbed his bowl, filled it with the warm soup, and returned it or her son to eat. She did the same thing with her soon-to-be son and her husband. 

When she finished she smiled at all three and grabbed herself a serving of soup. They ate and talked till all four bowls were empty. She collected the bowls and took them to the sink washing them with suds and water. 

“Boys I have a surprise for you.” Roman’s father said, leading them outside and to the back of his old-fashioned truck. He pulled out two metal objects primarily composed of metal poles but they also had another feature that stood out. On the back and the front of the object where wheels. The vehicle had two wheels in all and the boys’ eyes widened as they realized what these were.

“You got us bikes?” Roman said jumping with joy and he had a big goofy smile on his face.

“Yep, you two deserved them. Plus nine is a great age to start learning.” His dad said, smiling. He clearly noticed the boys’ eyes sparkle when he confirmed what they thought.

For months, his dad taught Roman and Alden how to ride bikes. By their 10th birthday, they finally learned how to ride. But that year, was full of good surprises.

Later in the year, Alden was officially adopted by his family. The boys were both so happy that words can’t describe. They never forgot that day.

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