Love Letters

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School AU. Gonna write another book after this. Most likely won't be Prinxiety... Anywho! Enjoy.

Dear Virgil,

Smart Remarks, My Prince

 Dark Mysterious, My Prince

That makes you, My Prince

                 Love, 👑Crown👑

Crown? What kind of sick game is this guy playing? It was a normal day but for some reason, Virgil got a love letter in his locker. Well, more like a love poem. He was confused as to why there was a crown on the letter. He assumed it was a clue to who his secret admirer was. Maybe it was his ex-friends Deceit and Remus. 

Either way, someone left a note in his locker. The only note, not another one would come. Yep, the only note.

The next day Virgil finds another note in his locker, but this time it’s different.

Cher Virgile,

C'est le langage de l'amour pour ainsi dire

Alors pourquoi je vous l'écris

Sous la forme d'un autre poème

Les roses sont rouges,

les violettes sont bleues

tu es mon monde

et je t'aime

Virgil took French so he knew what this said. The thing is, that eliminates Deceit or Remus being the culprits seeing as both found French dumb and a waste of time. Then who was it? It had to be someone who knows him and the language. Maybe someone from that class? Well, it was worth a shot.

The next day another poem came only this one wasn’t lovey-dovey. This one was a clue as to who this person was.

Dear Virgil,

I noticed that you are having trouble founding out who I am.

And for that (and that you’re too cute to resist)

I will give you a clue

My name goes back in time, 

However, it is not part of the language I speak,

For I speak French and take class period 6 in room 252.

My name though is Latine

Te Amo mi


                                                Love, Pulcherrimæ, spatulasque            palmarum princeps vester

What the heck. What language even is that? At least I know that we are in the same class now. Although might wanna put that through google translate.

So.. his name is Latin and goes back in time what does that even mean? Does it mean- what a minute… does that mean his name spoke Latin or something like that? Who all spoke Latin throughout history?

Romans did does that mean that this kid is.. Roman?! Like Roman from my French class? Woah.

He decided to talk to Roman the next day for reasons he refused to say. Although he wouldn't say, anyone who has ever been friends with him could tell he wanted to see what his prince had to say tomorrow.

The next day ^^

Virgil walked to his locker hoping there was a note there. However if you ask him, he would say they were annoying and silly. He opened his locker and looked at where the rest were slowly. He saw the infamous note in all its glory. He took the cream colored letter and looked at the front. He say the cursive purple writing. He ran his fingers over the smooth letter and could feel the indentation of were the pen it the paper.

He saw the 'Virgil 💜'. He smiled wide when he saw the purple heart. He didn't think Roman knew what his favorite color was. That was when he felt it. The envelope was heavy for just being a piece of paper.

He flipped it over and saw that it was sealed with a red and purple wax seal. The design was a storm cloud and a intricate looking shield.

He opened the envelope and came out a tie-dye purple and read rose. He smiled even wider. He had to see Roman. He could talk to him in class. Study hall, on the other hand, he could get behind that. He decided that he would talk to Roman in their shared study hall.

Study Hall~

The day seems to trudge by has if it was just was tired as the students. Finally study hall.

Virgil sat in the chair he always sat in. He never moved seats because it wasn't only the most comfortable chair in the Commons, but it also had a great view of the price of the school, Roman.

Roman had always been known as the prince. In 9th grade he was the talk of the school not only because he was the youngest and best player on the team, but he just so happened to be the most charming guy ever.

Virgil watched the door intently waiting for the man of the hour to walk in. He watched many kids younger than him walk in, seeing as him and Roman were in grade 12.

He saw some kids from his grade too. Like Damien and Peyton. He knew the kids but not enough to consider the other a friend.

Then he saw him. The beautiful and oh so charming Roman walked into the Commons like it was nothing.

Roman walked to his seat and set his things down. He couldn't help but let out a dreamy sigh. He liked Roman since 5th grade. The very end of grade school. If he was accurate about who he suspected left the love notes, he would be thrilled.

He stared at Roman much longer than any other person with a crush of 8 years would. He just couldn't help himself. Roman was perfect in every way.

He noticed Roman get up and he assumed he was getting a coffee from the cafe.  He was perfect. Even the way he walked. With a slight swing in his hips and a strut fit for the catwalk.

Then he realized Roman wasn't going in the direction of the cafe but instead to where Virgil was. Virgil panicked slightly. He was the only one who sat on the corner, which is where he was going.

Virgil assumed he was caught staring and was sure his crush had put the pieces together and was here to laugh at him.

Then instead Roman sat down and gave Virgil a warm and rather welcoming smile. He slowly leaned forward and whispered in Virgil's ear.

"Did you like the letters?"

Woohoo! That's the first time I made a chapter 1000 words long! Anywho, I will be posting for Easter. Stay safe and hope you enjoyed!

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