Angsty (No Part 2)

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So umm... This is my first time writing angst. I've never really read angst either so.. I hope this goes somewhere other than hell.

Triggers: cutting, loneliness?, Athazagoraphobia (fear of being forgotten), eating disorder, sleeping disorder.

Roman POV:

Everyone thinks Virgil has the eating disorder and the sleeping disorder and cuts and deals isolated and lonely.

If your wondering 'Roman, why can only one side have a disorder?' I'll tell you.

Its quite simple really. Only one side is allowed to have the disorders. If two sides had something, Thomas would too. If your gonna ask about the glasses then that answers simple. Pat and Logan are both blind in only one eye. Which means by some Logical stance that's covers for only one person really having glasses.

Back to what I was saying earlier. Everyone thinks that Virgil has an eating disorder in fact their scolding him right now. He's getting scolded for the untouched plate of food one the table that the think belongs to the emo.

But the tray doesn't belong to the emo. It belongs to me.

I never tell anyone that I have a disorder or two and used to have a cutting problem because the might think I'm trying to cover for Virge or they might think that I'm a liar like Deciet. They might thing that I'm trying to get attention. They might think I'm useless for everything and leave me.

It's better to let them believe it's Virgil. For me anyway. For Virgil on the other hand...

"Kiddo! You need to eat!"

"Dad! I told you! It's not my plate! I already ate!"

"I'm sorry kiddo, but I don't believe you.."

"Patton, Virgil is correct he already ate."


Patton and I said 'huh' at the same time and looked at Logan. I looked at him to in disbelief. Patton's look was more of a look of curiosity.

Leave it to Logan to crack the case of who's pasta that is. Darn you Logan. Your getting to close to the truth. I have to leave. And quick.

As I started walking up the the stairs I hear them talk which made me walk quicker.

POV change: 3rd person

"How do you know?"

"Virgil has pasta sauce on his jacket."

Patton looked on the defensive short male's jacket and saw the small splash of red sauce on a patch of purple on the jacket's right sleeve.

"Oh. Well then sorry kiddo but who didn't eat dinner?"

"I ate dinner." Logan said eliminating himself of the suspect board.

"Me too." Patton said as he was the one who made the dinner.

"Then who..."

They were all sitting brainstorming over who's plate could be left there. It doesn't make any sense. To them at least.

"Maybe one of the dark sides put it here to mess with us." Virgil considered.

At this point he was all out of ideas about who this mystery plate belonged to.

"Impossible. The dark sides don't come over unless they need to speak with Thomas. They only do that if he is having a moment when their abilities are being considered." Logan counter argued.

"True." Virgil agreed

Then the answer to the plate struck Virgil.

"Have we asked Roman?"


Patton started to say 'yes but soon got interrupted by Logan.

"No. We did not ask Roman an the matter at hand."

"Yeah but it can't be Roman right?"

"It could logically be anyone of us 'light side's if you will.

"But.. ...Oh my stars...."

"Did anyone see Roman eat?"

Virgil asked at this point he was worried sick. He really hoped Roman wasn't the one hadn't been eating.


Patton and Logan both said 'no' at the same. On a normal day, that was something to laugh about. As of right now, it was no time to laugh.

"Come to thing of it... I haven't seen him eat in the last.. 2 days?"

"Oh no..."

There will be a chapter two. But what do you think so far? Do you like it? Do you hate it? An the most important question: happy or sad ending?

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