The Barista

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Barista!Virgil Baker!Roman. Enjoy!

Roman woke up at what he considered to be the perfect time to wake up, 5:25 am. Some might consider that time way to early for their liking, but Roman found it the perfect time. It gave him time to shower, eat a healthy breakfast, and still get to his bakery at six o’clock. Not to mention picking a suitable outfit and having perfect hair-care. Yes, his morning routine was tire-some, but he would have it any other way. 

Roman got out of the shower, a towel loosely hanging from his hips and his upper half dripping with the still warm water. He took a smaller towel from the cabinet he kept them in and started to dry his hair. As Roman did this he walked across the cold bathroom tiles and to the mirror. He took his hand and wiped the fog of so he could see and pulled the towel away from his head. He looked in the mirror and say his hair standing up in at least forty-seven directions. He got his comb and combed his hair all to one side, deciding not to gel it that day, giving it a fluffy effect once dry.

He walked out of his on-suite bathroom and into the master bedroom he had all to himself. He had a fairly large home, as a result of his successful bakery. He went into his walk-in closet and looked around. He found a nice white t-shirt with red accents and decided it would look nice with a pair of black pants. He walked out of the closet after getting ready and threw his towel in his hamper. He went over to his bedside table and pulled out the ring with the gay pride flag that he bought himself the year before.

Feeling more refreshed than he did when he woke up, He strutted into the kitchen to make breakfast. It was a fairly modern looking kitchen with blacks and whites covering practically the whole kitchen. He walked over to the fridge to see what he had to cook. He decided to make avocado toast with eggs and a berry parfait with a banana and peanut butter smoothie.

  Roman got up and smiled thinking about his breakfast. He checked the time and found it to be 5:38 am. He got on his small windbreaker. It was fall in his area so cold but not enough for a heavy jacket. He walked outside and let a light breeze was over his face. He smiled content with the feeling of the wind gushing through his slightly damp hair. He walked down the stairs that led to his driveway. He got into his Porsche and started it. His smile only grew when he heard the engine start. 

He drove down the road, now used to the feeling as he takes this route every day to get to his work. 

Roman got out of his car after parking it in the parking lot of his well-known bakery. He was excited to start the day like he did every day. He opened the door using his keys and went straight to the backroom. 

He made sure to get on his baking apron to make a fresh batch of cookies. While the cookies were in the oven, he started on bread. By the time the bread was set aside to start rising, he remembered the dough he made for bread last night and the cookies. He took the cookies out of the oven and on to a cooling rack. He took the bread dough from the previous night out of the fridge and put that in the oven. He made doughnuts, strudels, turnovers, and even some pie. After he was done it was 7:30 and time to open up the shop.

He walked through the array of tables and chairs he had set up and flipped the switch on the sign that lit up and said ‘Open’. He smiled and walked behind the counter. Not long after his best friend and coworker, Emile walked in. 

“Hey, sorry I’m a bit tardy,” Emile said, with a slightly nervous chuckle.

“It’s fine, you’re still earlier than Patton,” Roman said waving his hand as if dismissing the apology. 

“Is he late again too?” Emile asked, not surprised in the slightest to hear that their other was late as well.

“Yeah well, you know him, always late for almost everything,” Roman said giving a whole-hearted chuckle.

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