Chapter 24: Kidnapped (Shredder)

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    This one's another request by JenniferAdams450.

    Ever since his first time being kidnapped, Mikey had felt pretty scared about it happening again. I mean, who could blame him? He'd been almost experimented on--again. If it hadn't been for Raph and his brothers rescuing him in time, he would've been dead at this point. And to be honest, almost getting cut open by scientists was the last thing on his "Things I'm Traumatized About" list. He thought that getting kidnapped would be over for him, since for a while nothing else happened on patrol, but boy, was he wrong.
    One evening, Leo decided that he and the others should split up for patrol so that they could cover more ground. As he and Donnie went left, Raph and Mikey went right, laughing and racing each other on their skateboards again. At a stopping point, they peeked over the roof's edge, but didn't see anything. This went on for several more times. "You know, bro?" said Mikey. "I'm not sure that we'll find anyone doing anything stupid tonight. You think Leo and Donnie found anything yet?"

    "Already asked them," Raph replied, holding up his shell phone. "They found nothing, to."

    "Well, shoot," Mikey grumbled.

    "Don't worry, bro," Raph reassured. "I'm sure something will happen."

    No sooner had he said that when a loud scream was heard. Quickly turning around, Raph saw, to his horror, that Mikey was gone. An evil laugh sounded out, making Raph realize what had happened. Not again! he thought to himself. And by Shredhead, no less! What a way to pay attention, Raph!

    Getting back to Leo and Donnie on their way back to the lair, he explained what had happened. After getting Mikey's whereabouts tracked down and finding him at Shredder's lair, they quickly changed direction and hurried off.
    Meanwhile, Mikey was thrown into a cage, which shut closed behind him. He was panting, looking pretty bruised from his struggle to get himself free. A few cuts littered him as well, but luckily they weren't too deep. He really didn't feel like moving for now, so he just laid there for a while until the door opened. That got Mikey's attention, and to his displeasure, it was Rahar and Shredder who entered. "You know, if you're wanting me to tell you where Splinter is," he said, "I'm not telling you jack squat."

    Rahzar only laughed eviley, his claws unsheathing. "We're not here to make you tell us anything," he rasped. "We just want to have a little fun before we get rid of you." Shredder didn't say anything. He just laughed alongside him as he unsheathed his gaulents, the look in his eyes not good.

    Eyes widening in realization, Mikey barely had time to comprehend this fully as Rahzar struck at him first. The youngest just barely managed to dodge the deadly hit before Shredder took a turn and got the same result. This went on for about an hour or two until Mikey began to get tired. This the villains took to their advantage. With a hard blow to the head thanks to Shredder's fist, Mikey toppled to the ground. Feeling that the back of his head was wet, he reached back with a hand and touched it before bringing it back in front of him--only to see it coated in blood. His eyes widened as his vision began to blur. Oh no, he thought. This really doesn't look good. Come on, bros. Where are you?

    His question was soon answered when a familiar sai sailed through the air, hitting Rahzar as he was about to make a fatal blow. "GET AWAY FROM MY BABY BROTHER!" Raph yelled as he practically flew in the cage and delivered a hard kick to Rahzar's chest, getting him away from Mikey, having arrived in time to see everything. Leo and Donnie arrived as well, starting a showdown between them.

    Through his blurred vision, Mikey was able to recognize that voice and who it was. He tried to move, but he couldn't. Blood was staining his hand and his head hurt like shell. He didn't know how long the fight was, but later, he felt strong, thick arms wrap themselves around him, protecting him. "You okay, bro?" said a voice, muffled.

    Mikey couldn't say anything. He just shook his head and groaned softly as he felt himself being picked up by someone. "Don't worry, bro," Raph said, lifting Mikey up into his arms. "We'll get you out of here."

    Mikey smiled, his head coming to rest comfortably on Raph's plastron. He closed his eyes with a sigh as unconsciousness finally overcame him.
    When Mikey woke up, he found himself in the medbay. A bandage was wrapped around his head, which still hurt like shell. "Ugh," he groaned.

    "Take it easy, Mikey," said someone, laying a hand on his shoulder.

    "D?" Mikey asked.

    Donnie nodded. "You've gotten a really severe head concussion," he said. "You'll be out of commission for a while. Plus, you'll end up getting dizzy spells from time to time."

    "We're just happy you're in one piece, little brother," Leo added, patting his chest.

    "Yeah. We arrived in time to see what Shredder and Rahzar were doing to you," Raph continued, appearing in Mikey's line of vision. "We were pretty worried about you; we thought Shredder was interrogating you or something."

    "It wasn't anything like that," Mikey said. "He and Rahzar thought it'd be fun to have a little fun with me until they decided to end me. After a while, I got tired from all the dodging I was doing, which would explain why Shredder then punched me so hard in the head."

    Raph seethed with anger on the inside, but stayed calm on the outside. "That hard huh?" he said, cupping Mikey's face with his hand.

    Mikey nodded as he leaned into the touch, just happy to be home. "Sorry I didn't notice Shredder earlier," he said. "I just didn't notice in time."

    "It's okay, little brother," said Raph as he carefully helped Mikey sit up. "We're just glad that we found you and you're home. That's all that matters." He pulled Mikey into a hug as he finished, Leo and Donnie joining in.

    Mikey sighed happily as he melted into the embrace. Raph was right: all that mattered was that he was at home, safe and sound. And if he felt Raph kiss him on the forehead, he didn't mind a bit.

    Well, this took a while. We've been getting our house declutered and ready for any possible buyers. Anyways, special thanks to JenniferAdams450 for requesting this.

Raph and Mikey Brotherly Fluff and Comfort Oneshots TMNT 2012Where stories live. Discover now