Chapter 34: Just Like Old Times

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    The turtle brothers were at home resting up after a really hard night at patrol. Long story short, April's dad had been abducted again, but at least they were able to get April away to safety. Plus, they faced off Shredder for the first time but were badly defeated due to the much-more skilled villain but had barely managed to escape. As if that weren't enough, Mikey was unlucky enough to have a sign dropped on top of him, hurting him badly. Currently, he was in his bedroom resting up, tears evident in his eyes. He made a bunch of mistakes during the mission, his brothers tossed him around in the control room since they didn't want him to stay with either of them (because in their words, he'd mess something up), and he got smacked on the head who knows how many times (not the first time it happened, but it still hurt). But what hurt him the most was what Raph had said to him in his anger: "AND THAT'S WHY NO ONE WANTS TO BE WITH YOU!"

    Now that one hurt more than anything else they said. It wasn't physical, but it was verbal and hurtful. Now that he was alone, Mikey put his head into his knees (he was sitting against the wall) and let the waterworks out. He didn't know how long he was crying, but it wasn't until he felt a hand on his shoulder did he suddenly realize he wasn't alone.

    Raph had been in his room resting up like everyone else until crying reached his ears. Following the source, he eventually arrived in Mikey's room where he heard the cries. Opening the door, he looked inside and saw Mikey sitting on the floor against the wall, crying into his knees. Suddenly remembering why, a pained look crossed his features. Entering, he shut the door behind him, sending the room into darkness. Stepping around all the junk strewn across the floor, he approached Mikey and, kneeling down in front of him, laid a hand on his shoulder.

    Mikey glanced up at him in shock as Raph just smiled and held out his hands. Confused, Mikey nonetheless took them, allowing Raph to pull him up to his feet and lead him towards the middle of his room. "What're you doing here?" he asked. "I thought you were still mad at me after everything that happened."

    "I'm not mad anymore," Raph replied as he knelt to his eye level (he was a little taller than Mikey) and placed his hands on his shoulders. "Heard you crying and thought I'd check up on you and make you feel better. I also wanted to say how sorry I am for everything I said to you during that mission. For what we all said to you. It was really unfair, and I hope I can make it up to you."

    "How?" Mikey asked, tilting his head to the side in confusion.

    Raph smiled and slowly brought his face closer to Mikey's until their beaks were barely touching. "Remember when we were kids, and that you always came to me if you had a problem?" he asked.

    Mikey nodded, though he was a little nervous by how close their faces were. Raph smiled as he slowly took a step forward, causing Mikey to slowly take a step backwards in return, his face filled with fear and confusion until he felt his shell press against the corner wall. He felt Raph come closer to him and shuddered heavily, his fear escalating until he felt Raph's hands cup his face and their plastrons close to touching each other. Smiling, Raph leaned down a little and his beak touched Mikey's, same with their foreheads so all that Mikey was looking at were Raph's emerald-green eyes. "We'd always cuddle each other," the older one said. "And you'd always feel better afterwards. I figured this would help you feel better after everything we've been through tonight."

    Mikey slowly nodded as he remembered, still shaking. His knees were knocking together, and his legs were feeling weak as a dizzying feeling came over him. "R....Raphie," he whimpered as everything started to feel fuzzy around him.

    Knowing that he wasn't being seductive, Raph smiled a kind, friendly smile as he helped Mikey sit down on his beanbag before kneeling down above him. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around his baby brother, pulling him closer to him in a hug that brought the youngest into the older one's lap. "Don't be afraid, baby brother," he whispered comfortingly. "I'm not being dominant. I just want you to feel safe and loved. This'll be just like the old times."

    Pulling back a little so he could see Mikey's face fully, Raph saw that his little brother's eyes were filled with tears, some trailing down his face. He kissed them away one by one and nuzzled the side of his head against the youngest's. "I love you, little bro," he said as he stood up, picking up Mikey with him. "We were all worried about you when that sign landed on you. I was the most worried."

    "Really?" Mikey asked, instinctively snuggling close as his arms wrapped themselves around Raph's neck.

    Raph smiled. "Really," he confirmed as he headed towards Mikey's bed and sat on it, leaning against the wall and placing Mikey back into his lap. "And personally? I think you did a really good job kicking some major butt today."

    Mikey giggled as he cuddled himself against Raph, arms now wrapping themselves around his middle as he nuzzled his head against his brother's neck under his chin. Raph smiled in return as he tightened his embrace, lovingly squeezing him close as he started to rock him back and forth. He felt his neck get wet with tears, letting him know that Mikey was crying. Encouraging him to let it all out, Raph continued rocking him, whispering words of comfort into his ear to calm him down. They stayed that way for the next 10 minutes until Mikey started to become still. Raph pulled away slightly to see his face, taking notice of baby-blues beginning to hide under heavy eyelids. All that had happened tonight, combined with the crying, had left the youngest very tired and sleepy.

    Feeling tired himself, Raph laid down on the bed, taking Mikey with him. He draped the blankets over them both, using one corner of a blanket to gently wipe away Mikey's tears. Just like old times, he thought fondly with a smile.

    Kissing Mikey's forehead, the youngest snuggling up to him in return, he closed his eyes and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

Raph and Mikey Brotherly Fluff and Comfort Oneshots TMNT 2012Where stories live. Discover now