Chapter 22: Kidnapped (Fishface)

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    This story has been requested by JenniferAdams450. Thanks a lot for suggesting this. Been a while since I've done requested stories.

    It was nighttime in the streets of New York as Leo, Donnie, Raph, and Mikey raced across the rooftops on their usual evening patrol, being as silent as possible and keeping an eye out for any spotted trouble that might occur. Well, at least Leo and Donnie were silent and keeping an eye out for trouble. Raph and Mikey were currently laughing and telling each other jokes as they chased each other while riding on their skateboards, doing flips and other tricks as they jumped over the gaps. Eventually, they reached a stopping point and looked around for anything unusual happening. So far, nothing. "Can we get home, already?" Mikey asked. "My legs are getting tired."

    "First of all, probably from all that skateboarding that you and Raph have been doing the entire time we've been out here," Leo answered. "And second of all, no. I still have a feeling that something's gonna happen tonight. So we'd better be on guard."

    "Splinter Jr.," Raph whispered to Mikey, making the youngest giggle.

    Donnie just rolled his eyes, ignoring what was being said as he kept an eye on the ground below and on his shell phone. Leo glared at Raph, who responded with a shrug of his shoulders. The hothead always had a knack for teasing Leo for "acting like Splinter", as he himself put it as. And it hadn't been the first time either. Shaking his head and deciding to ignore it for the time being, Leo helped Donnie out with looking out for trouble while Raph and Mikey chased each other on the roof, laughing while occasionally tackling and ticking each other. Leo looked behind him at some points and couldn't help but smile. Even though he always said that ninjas were supposed to be quiet, even he couldn't deny the fact that Raph and Mikey's friendship and brotherly bond were both something special to behold.

    Just then, Donnie's phone buzzed. Pulling it out, Donnie noticed a red dot blinking on the screen. "I think I may have found what's happening," he said. "There's a drug store robbery about three blocks from here."

    "Let's go, team," said Leo said as the others raced off towards their destination. Raph helped Mikey back up on his feet and the two raced after the others, catching up on their skateboards.
    When they arrived at the drug store, they looked down from the rooftop to see Krang bots and some Foot soldiers getting stuff out and putting them in vans while a certain mutant fish was keeping watch over the operation. "It's Fishface," said Leo. "Looks like we've got another Foot-Krang team up."

    "What're they doing down there?" Raph asked, approaching the edge. "Let's get a closer look."

    He was about to jump down when Leo grabbed his shoulder to hold him back while giving him a "you-know-what'll-happen" look. Rolling his eyes, he nonetheless waited for Leo's signal. The instant it was given, the four jumped down and landed with a thud, altering the villains. "Stop, thief!" Leo said, doing a heroic pose, making Raph roll his eyes again.

    "It is the ones called Turtles!" one of the Krang said.

    Leo nodded in affirmation. "Now I suggest you drop what you're doing and leave now if you don't want to be beaten," he warned.

    The only response he got was the Krang pulling out their guns and shooting at them. For some reason, Fishface had disappeared from sight and currently was nowhere to be found. The turtles were unaware that he was hidden in the shadows in a nearby alleyway. They were too focused with fighting the Krang. The katanas slashed, the bo staff whacked, the sais stabbed, and the nutchucks and kusanagi blade hit and stabbed. There weren't much of the droids, so it wasn't long before the Turtles emerged victorious. "Booyakasha!" Mikey cheered, jumping into the air.

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