Chapter 33: I'll Always be With You, Even after Death

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    GabrielaMillan2 requested this oneshot. I'm probably also gonna make this a crossover with you-know-who. Warning ahead of time for violent stuff, because it's gonna happen.

    Shredder was more determined than ever to get rid of Master Splinter and his sons. After constant failures to do so, he decided that it was time to him to be mutated. While healing from his injuries, he injected himself with some mutagen, and the results.....well, they were jarring and horrifyingly frightful. Baxter Stockfly and Rocksteady were right to be frightened of him. In his new form, Shredder didn't look anywhere close to human. He was now a monster: on the inside and out.

    What the three didn't know, however, was that two girls were secretly watching the whole thing unfold from the shadows above with wide, frightened eyes. One was a light yellow girl with light pink hair and the other was a light blue girl with rainbow-colored hair. After that, they snuck out the window and practically raced back to the lair as fast as their wings would take them.
    Meanwhile, everyone else was in the lair, hanging out. Spike and the Equestria Girls has decided to visit the Hamato family for a while, and they were glad to have their company. Rarity was taking a selfie with Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer. Upon checking it out, however, they saw that Spike had somehow managed to photobomb it. The two of them laughed while Rarity glared at the puppy dog, who just smiled innocently (not really) while eating his dog biscuits.

    A big muffled BOOM! suddenly caught Applejack's and Wallflower Blush's attention, the cowgirl and plant girl turning in time to see Twilight Sparkle and Donnie step out of the lab, their faces covered in black soot and Twilight's trademark high ponytail a tangled mess. "Well that was a disaster," Twilight muttered to herself.
    "Been mixin' random chemicals again, haven't ya?" Applejack asked as she handed her and Donnie both a rag, having put two and two together.

    "Something like that," Donnie answered. "Twilight said it was gonna be for fun though."

    "Never thought it would be that explosive though," Twilight added as she wiped her face clean of the soot, as did Donnie.

    Mikey and Raph were talking to the others, Mikey often making the others laugh with a funny comment or two about Raph, which ended up in Raph putting Mikey in a headlock and rubbing his head with a knuckle, giving him a noogie. Master Splinter wasn't with the group at the time as he was in the dojo meditating. Suddenly, all the happy chatter stopped as the sound of flapping wings reached their ears. Confused, they turned to the lair's entrance just as Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy barreled in and tumbled to the ground, panting heavily from lack of breath. Twilight raced over to them. "Girls, what is it?" she asked. "What's going on?"

    The two didn't reply, too busy catching their breath to say anything and too frightened from what they witnessed earlier. Concerned, Sunset approached them and, putting her hands on their shoulders, used her powers to read their minds. Splinter entered about that time, having heard the commotion. Upon finishing, Sunset let go of their shoulders as her eyes regained their normal color with a gasp. "Shredder," she whispered, voice filled with fear.

    Everyone caught on that one. "Shredder?" asked Raph. "What about him?"

    "He's mutated himself," Sunset answered. "He's now a monster--both inside and out."

Raph and Mikey Brotherly Fluff and Comfort Oneshots TMNT 2012Where stories live. Discover now