Chapter 36: Jealously

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    princespink518 requested this oneshot.

    Raph was punching a Shredder dummy bag in his room late one night. Although he seemed fine, something was clearly wrong with him. The reason for this was because Mikey had been hanging out with Casey Jones a lot lately. It's been going on for about several weeks and jealousy had clearly gotten a hold on him though he tried to hide it. Everyone pretty much knew how he felt, however. Only one thing was on his mind: what was going on? He vowed that one way or another, he'll find out.

    As he continued punching his dummy bag, his brother instincts picked up something. Pausing in his punching, he listened until a knock sounded at his door. Upon opening it, Raph saw that it was Casey, who was supporting someone. And that someone turned out to be...."Mikey!" he exclaimed.

    Mikey looked pretty beat up and was out cold. "What happened to him?" Raph asked as he took Mikey into his arms.

    "Just an unexpected run-in with some Purple Dragons," Casey explained. "We were just patrolling, talking about stuff when they showed up. Mikey really took a beating."

    "I can see that," Raph replied. "But you're both okay, right?"

    "Me, yeah," Casey answered. "Mikey, not so much." He was panting from both the earlier fight and from how tired he was from helping a heavy mutant turtle get home.

    "Well, thanks for helping him get back," Raph replied. "I'll get him taken care of. See you tomorrow?"

    "Sure," Casey replied, giving Raph a good-natured slap on the back before leaving.

    Turning his attention to his youngest brother, Raph got him to the medbay so that he could get those bruises taken care of and out of the way. While doing so, Mikey stirred a little and opened his eyes, groaning. "Raph?" he asked. "What happened?"

    "Casey said that you took a bad beating while on patrol with him that left you knocked out," Raph replied, placing an ice pack on his head. "He helped you get back home."

    A look of curiosity crossed his face as he finished. "I need to ask you something, little brother," he said. "I've noticed that you've been spending a lot of time with Casey for the last several weeks. Why's that?"

    Mikey sighed. "He noticed that those Purple Dragons have been doing a lot of robberies lately," he said. "He asked me to help him out in dealing with them because he needed an extra pair of hands. Sorry I didn't consider asking you guys to help us, and I'm sorry if I caused you to be jealous of the both of us."

    Raph smiled and just pulled him into a hug. "It's okay, little brother," he said. "I'm just happy you're okay. And at least I got the answer I was looking for. Just don't be afraid to ask us to help you and Casey with those people, okay?"

    Mikey nodded as he returned the hug, promising to do so in the near future.

    And that's the end. Sure, it's short, but I hope you liked it. Thanks for the request, princespink518.

Raph and Mikey Brotherly Fluff and Comfort Oneshots TMNT 2012Where stories live. Discover now