Chapter 2: Panic Attack

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    One night on patrol, Leo had decided that the team should split up in order to cover more ground. He and Donnie had taken one part of the city and Raph and Mikey had gone the other direction. Currently, Raph was keeping an eye on the streets when suddenly, he heard something. Looking around, he saw Mikey choking and gasping for air, eyes wide and breaths short and quick. Immediately, Raph grew concerned. "Mikey? Are you okay?" he asked as he came over to him.

    Mikey shook his head. Now feeling really worried, Raph pulled out his cell shell and called Donnie. "Donnie, I need you and Leo to get here now. Mikey's having a panic attack."

    "We're on our way," said Donnie on the other end. "In the meantime, try getting him to calm down until we get to you."

    Raph nodded and hung up, turning his attention to Mikey, who was beginning to sway back and forth from dizziness on the building's edge. Raph quickly came over and got Mikey away from certain disaster. "Mikey, you need to breathe," he said. "Leo and Donnie are on their way."

    Mikey tried really hard to do so, but it was no use. His lungs were screaming from lack of air, and he suddenly fell onto his knees, making Raph really worried as hew knelt down to be at the orange banded turtle's eye level. This wasn't the first time Mikey had these kinds of panic attacks; they'd usually come out of nowhere. "C'mon Mikey, calm down. Everything's gonna be okay," he said, reaching out and grabbing both of Mikey's shoulders.

    All Mikey could do was look at his red banded brother before sagging against him as he fell over. His vision and everything around him blurred before it all went black, the last thing being heard was Raph telling him to stay awake.
    Mikey groaned as he came to. He opened his eyes to find himself back in the lair. "Hey there, squirt," said a voice.

    Mikey turned his head to see Raph kneeling on the floor next to him. That's when the youngest realized he was laying on the couch. "What happened?" he asked.

    "It's okay, buddy. You just had a panic attack," Raph replied, patting him on the shoulder. "It wasn't too serious or anything, and there wasn't really anything else that happened during patrol. Leo and Donnie got to our patrol spot as soon as you blacked out."

    Mikey hung his head. "What's wrong, kid?" Raph asked.

    "I-I didn't mean to make you all worry," Mikey replied. "Especially you, Raphie."

    Raph sighed with understanding, knowing that Mikey only called him that whenever he was sad or just plain out scared. He reached out and pulled Mikey into a comforting hug, strong arms wrapping around him. "It's not your fault," he said. "These things happen. All of us, including me, will never let anyone hurt you."

    Mikey smiled as he snuggled close to the safety and security of his big brother's embrace. He knew Raph was right. If anyone hurt the youngest, they would feel the older brothers' wrath. "I love you, big brother."

    "I love you too, baby brother."

    Second one done already. Wow, I must be pretty good at this or something.

Raph and Mikey Brotherly Fluff and Comfort Oneshots TMNT 2012Where stories live. Discover now