Chapter 30: Halloween Special

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    JenniferAdams450 requested this oneshot. The characters don't belong to me, but to their rightful owners. Happy Halloween! 🎃 P.S.--warnings of implied rape.

    The brothers were on their usual patrol, scouting the streets for anything unusual. This time, which happens from time to time, they were joined by the Mutanimals: Leatherhead, Slash, Mondo Geeko, Dr. Rockwell, and Pete the Pigeon. Karai had also joined in mostly because she was bored and had nothing else to do. Upon stopping at one rooftop, Mikey was preparing to make a dramatic stop, only for him to skid across the concrete. He would've fallen off the roof if it weren't for Raph grabing him by the back of his shell and pulling him back from the edge. "Careful there, bro," he said. "Wouldn't want you to fall off."

    "Right," Mikey replied. "Sorry about that, bro. Thanks for the save."

    Raph smiled and squeezed him close from behind before letting him go. Peeping from the edge, they saw someone enter the alleyway. By the looks of him, he was pretty creepy. On Leo's signal, Raph and Mikey dropped down silently to the ground to get a closer look at him. Upon close inspection however, they saw that he was one of those people--a rapist. Mikey shuddered in fear at first sight, something Raph took notice of. Concerned, he wrapped an arm around him and pulled him closer, giving him an encouraging smile when Mikey noticed.

    Then it happened. One moment, Mikey was there next to him. The next moment--a loud scream filled the air. Quickly, Raph turned around just as Mikey got grabbed away, the person they saw earlier racing off in a flash. "Mikey!" he exclaimed.

    After getting his brothers notified of the situation, he began chasing the person, only for him to disappear. Turning on his GPS, he waited impatiently for it to confirm Mikey's location, hoping that it wouldn't be too late.
    Meanwhile, Mikey was taken to the person's house and thrown into a dark room, the person laughing evily as he left, shutting the door behind him. Feeling along the wall fore ant kind of light source, he eventually found a light switch. Sighing with relief, he flipped it on, instantly brightening up the room. Looking around, his eyes widened as he saw what was hanging on the walls. All around him were rapist tools and other stuff. Realizing what that rapist was going to do, he panicked and quickly got out his phone.

    After sending Raph his location, Mikey put away his phone and tried to find someplace to hide. Finding a closet nearby, he hid in there. After thinking that he might need more help, he pulled out some sort of magic pen and a sheet of paper. After writing a message on it, it magically dissolved into thin air, floating away. Sighing, he put his pen away in his pocket just as the rapist found him. With an evil laugh, he yanked Mikey out, the turtle screaming in terror.
    Meanwhile, Raph was tapping his foot with impatience and worry. He has to wait a full minute before his phone buzzed. He quickly whipped it out and turned it on, the screen flashing with a red dot. It showed that Mikey was pretty far. Almost at the outskirts of the city. "Hang in, bro," he said. "Wherever you are, I'm getting you outta there."

    Immediately, he began racing towards the location as fast as his legs could carry him. It wasn't long before he realized he wasn't alone. At that moment, Leo and Donnie caught up with him. And they weren't alone either; the Mutanimals, Splinter, Casey, April, and Karai were all arriving. "We got Leo's text," April explained. "There's no way you're doing this on your own, Raph."

    "I never planned on it," Raph replied. "On going alone, I mean."

    As they hurried onward, Raph sensed something else. Glancing to his left, he noticed some sort of portal forming in the sky not to high from the next building they were approaching, which was not to far from where they were. Just as he realized who it was, Spike was the first to exit the portal and flew on ahead of them, his friends right behind him: Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie Lulamoon, and Wallflower Blush. Even from a distance, Raph could tell that they were already in their Friendship Power forms. And it didn't take long for him and the others to catch up with them. "Guys, what're you doing here?" Leo asked.

Raph and Mikey Brotherly Fluff and Comfort Oneshots TMNT 2012Where stories live. Discover now