Chapter 29: Even in Darkness, There's Hope

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    This one's for WickedlyTMNT. And since Halloween's coming up, I thought I'd give this a shot. Hope you like it.

    The world had changed for the worst. New York, once teaming with thousands of people, was now in heaped ruins. The Krang had made a bomb to bring back horrifying legends of old. But it all went wrong. When the bomb blew up, not only did it destroy the entire Krang race, thereby making them extinct, but it turned the entire human race into two iconic monsters: werewolves and vampires. The only one who wasn't affected by it was Mikey; he'd been thrown back down the sewer grate by Raph at the last second. That was the last time he saw his brothers, and his best friend. He could only hope that his other friends were okay. In the meantime, he didn't go back up, following what Raph had told him before he was thrown back down there for safety: "Don't go back up!"

    It was only upon returning home and after turning on the TV that he found out the results. Now he was on his own day after day and night after night, defending himself from the feral werewolves and vampires, who were now at war with each other. Sadly, Splinter and Ice Cream Kitty didn't make it. ICK (short for Ice Cream Kitty) had been sucked up by a vampire defending Mikey on one attack. But Splinter was worse; he had sacrificed himself during another attack. He had been bitten by one of them and had mysteriously left afterwards (not like he had any other choice anyway since he didn't want to get Mikey endangered). But Mikey hadn't seen him since then.

    Now, he was all alone, with no one to keep him company. Day after day passed, and it seemed like being hunted by werewolves and vampires (who want him on their side) would never end. He tried countless times to make an antidote for his brothers in Donnie's lab, but every time, it would end in disaster. He soon began losing hope that he'd ever see his brothers and friends again. He even couldn't remenber the last time he had fun, watched something good, or even gotten a good night's sleep. Even in nighttime, every time, the alarm in the lair would wake him up to attacking werewolves and vampires. Worse of all, he was losing hope that he'd ever see Raph again. Out of all his brothers, he and Raph had been the closest to each other ever since childhood.

    Every time he went to the surface, he was faced with crumbled buildings that were now like ancient ruins. He was a third wheel (or a pig for the slaughter as some say) for the werewolves and vampires and had to constantly defend himself. He had nightmares every time he went to sleep and woke up sobbing, wishing that Raph or someone would comfort him. He was most scared of the vampires because they wanted him to join their side, and he was scared of werewolves because every time he tried to befriend one, it would be a feral one and it would try to kill him. Soon, he lost count of how many times that's happened to him. But it didn't matter to him now. He was no longer the cheerful turtle he once was before. He was tired, weary, and scared for his life. Soon, he couldn't even get a full night's sleep without having a nightmare. He just ran out of hope. Months passed by.

    One night, he was being chased by a group of vampires despite his best efforts and was cornered in an alleyway with no way out. Finally, exhausted and completely sapped of his energy, he just collapsed to the ground and resigned himself to his fate, curling himself into a trembling, shuddering ball in a fetal position. The vampires laughed victorously and were about to bite him, only to scream in fear as something suddenly struck at them all in fury. After a few minutes, the vampires were nothing but piles of burnt ash. Mikey didn't even look, not until he was nudged by something. Managing to look up a little, he recognized the shadowy figures as three werewolves. But the youngest didn't even move. His eyes closed as he finally passed out from the events that transpired.
    Upon seeing their baby brother in danger, three werewolves (also known to some as Lycans) jumped into the fray and didn't spare anyone in the group. After checking him to see that there was no bite marks on him, the one in the middle stepped forward and nudged him gently. Mikey looked up a little, but didn't move as he passed out, his eyes rolling into his head as they fluttered shut. Worried, he hauled Mikey onto his back as they entered the sewers. After a while, they got to the lair, which had gotten messy from the many fights that had been held there.

Raph and Mikey Brotherly Fluff and Comfort Oneshots TMNT 2012Where stories live. Discover now