Chapter 32: I Would Never Hurt You

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    Kittymasterofall14 requested this oneshot. Hope you enjoy.

    He didn't mean for it to happen. But then again, when does that ever happen? He and Mikey were just sparring with each other after training because, according to Master Splinter, they had to work on their technique and forms. Raph was getting more and more frustrated as he kept on failing. Seeing this, Mikey wisely decided to keep quiet about it because it's never wise to talk to Raph when he's angry. Suddenly, without warning, Raph let out a furious scream as he lunged at Mikey. The youngest tried to get out of the way, but tumbled to the ground screaming as pain flashed in his upper legs and right arm. Raph's anger immediately left as he took in the damage, his eyes widening at Mikey's injuries. "Mikey?" he asked, stepping forward. "Are you alright?"

    Mikey scrambled backwards, eyes wide with fear as he glanced at Raph. Hearing the commotion, Leo and Donnie raced in. As soon as he saw Mikey's condition, Donnie quickly got him to his medic room. Leo patted Raph's shoulder and gave him a comforting, understanding smile before following behind.

    Later, Mikey was patched up, but was scared after what happened. Upon noticing this, Raph decided to give him some space for a while. After about a few weeks, he went to see Mikey, whose wounds were now healed. Knocking on his bedroom door, he opened it to find Mikey sitting in the corner of his room. Entering, he shut the door behind him and slowly headed towards Mikey, just in case he accidentally scared him. "Mikey, I'm so sorry about what happened a few weeks ago," he said as he knelt down beside him. "I just got stressed out over those forms we had to practice, and then I just......snapped from all that stress."

    Mikey glanced up at him with a look of understanding. "I get it, Raph," he said. "We all get stressed out from time to time. I guess I got scared all that time was because I've really seen you like that. All angry from stress and whatnot."

    "But it doesn't excuse what I've done to you," Raph said, eyeing his wounds. "I'm sorry."

    Smiling, Mikey just crawled over to him and wrapped his arms around him in a hug. "It's okay, Raph," he said. "I forgive you."

    Raph was surprised at what Mikey did and said. But a fond smile crossed his face as he returned the embrace. "I would never hurt you, little brother," he said. "You know that, right?"

    "Yes, I do," Mikey replied. "It was just all that stress that got to you."

    Raph felt a whole lot better after that. It felt like a weight had been lifted off him. "Thanks, Mikey," he said, nuzzling him.

    Mikey smiled as he nuzzled back. "Anytime," he said.

    They stayed that way for awhile before separating, smiles on both their faces. "So ready for a videogame tournament?" Mikey asked with a cheeky smile.

    Raph chuckled and nodded. "Last one there gets to pick the lamest videogame character on whichever game we play!" he said as he raced off.

    Mikey laughed. "Oh, no you don't!" he said as he ran after him, the incident forgotten behind them.

    Mikey and Raph both know that the older would never hurt the younger intentionally. But Raph made a mental note to keep an eye on his anger, just in case that ever happened again.

    Kittymasterofall14 requested this one, so I hoped you liked it. I know it's short, but still.

Raph and Mikey Brotherly Fluff and Comfort Oneshots TMNT 2012Where stories live. Discover now