Chapter 35: Injured but still Special

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    This oneshot was requested by WickedlyTMNT. This takes place after the events of the season 2 episode "The Wrath of Tigerclaw." I hope you enjoy.

    As Raph followed Donnie and Leo back home, he glanced down at Mikey, who was unconscious in his arms. He'd been beaten so badly by Tigerclaw as they were going after Karai, that he couldn't even talk. Scratches and bruises were all over him, and Donnie mentioned that his shell had been knocked loose. Therefore, Raph had to be very careful when carrying him. But he was mostly angry at Leo; the leader had insisted that they go after Karai since she was Splinter's long-lost daughter, but Raph disagreed strongly, mostly thanks to Mikey's current condition. "The Shredder raised her," he had said previously. "Daddy's probably welcoming her home right now." Of course, this being Shredder and all, that probably wasn't the case.

    He wanted nothing more that to yell at Leo when they get home, but quickly though, he shoved his anger to the back of his mind. Right now, being mad at Leo wasn't going to solve anything; getting Mikey home and getting his wounds treated was their top priority at the moment. Carefully adjusting his best friend and baby brother into his arms, he continued to head on home.
    In Donnie's lab, the smart turtle was working on getting Mikey's injuries taken care of and had also given him some medication for his loose shell. He said it would heal in time, but it would be sore for a while. Raph only nodded in response, not trusting himself to say anything. He just stayed by Mikey's side and helped out whenever Donnie needed him.

    Soon after, Donnie was done treating Mikey, and after a long while, his injuries were healing well. But he was still out cold. Raph stayed by his side the whole time, worried sick about him hoping that he'd wake up. Then, one day, as Raph was keeping watch over him, he felt his hand (which he was holding at the time) twitch against his own. Watching with a smile, he leaned down and gently nudged his baby brother's head with his own. Mikey groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, looking around him. His surroundings looked so blurry that they looked a lot more like watercolor paints, especially when he carefully turned his head to the side to see someone sitting next to him and all he could see was a blurry red and green blob.

    Blinking away the blurriness, Mikey could see that blob getting clearer and sharper until at last, the blurriness completely cleared up for him to see that it was his best friend, who was looking at him with a smile. "Raphie?" he asked.

    Raph smiled. "Glad to see you're awake, bro," he said. "You really had me worried out there. You got beat up pretty bad by Tigerclaw."

    "Where's Karai?" Mikey asked.

    Raph sighed, keeping his anger towards Leo in check since he didn't want to frighten his little brother. "Tigerclaw took her back to Shredder," he said. "Leo wanted to help her, but we had to get you home first. You were scratched and bruised up so much that you were knocked out for a long while. Plus your shell was knocked pretty loose according to Donnie, so we had to take care of that as well."

    Mikey nodded in understanding before looking down at the ground with a sad sigh. Raph took notice of it. "Mikey? You okay, bro?" he asked, cupping his face with a hand.

    Mikey shook his head, indicating that he wasn't okay. "Sorry for screwing up again," he said. "If I'd paid more attention, Karai would be still be here with us. With her real Dad, Splinter."

    "Don't blame yourself, Mikey," Raph comforted, using his thumb to rub soothing circles over his freckles. "It wasn't your fault that this happened. You actually did a pretty good job taking care of the bad guys. And it hasn't been the first time either. Time and time again, you've proven yourself capable of kicking a lot of bad guy butt. And I'm so proud of you for that."

    Mikey giggled a little, happy that Raph was proud of him fighting the bad guys pretty well. "Also, sorry for, you know, getting knocked out and everything," he added. "I know it could've been a lot worse, but--"

    He was silenced by Raph gently placing a finger onto his mouth, shushing him. "None of that matters now, little brother," he said as he leaned his head down and nuzzled him. "I'm just happy that you're safe and alive. Just remember this: no matter how injured you get, your still special. Because you'll always find a way to jump back into the fight no matter how long it takes."

    Mikey felt a lot better after hearing all that. As he returned the nuzzle, he knew deep down that Raph was right. After a while he decided to go to bed since he was still tired. He got out of the medical room and attempted to walk to his room, but Raph surprised him by picking him up and carrying him there himself. Mikey squawked in surprise as he felt his feet leaving the ground, instinctively wrapping his arms around Raph's neck and pressing himself closer to his brother so that he wouldn't fall. "Raph!" he exclaimed. "What the heck?!"

    Raph chuckled. "Just thought I'd take you to bed so that I can keep an eye on you until you make a full recovery," he said as he arrived at his younger brother's room. "Besides, I'm not letting you get reckless and everything."

    Mikey pouted, which Raph found utterly adorable. Upon arriving at Mikey's bed, he laid the youngest down and draped the covers over him. Immediately, Mikey's eyes began dropping as sleep got to him. He tried to stay awake, but Raph leaned down and nuzzled heads with him, encouraging him to sleep. Eventually, Mikey's tiredness won out and he was slowly pulled into a healing sleep. Raph smiled and kissed his forehead. "I love you, little brother," he whispered, nuzzling his beak. "I promise I won't let anyone hurt you. Especially Tigerclaw."

    Well, there you go, WickedlyTMNT. Hope you like it.

Raph and Mikey Brotherly Fluff and Comfort Oneshots TMNT 2012Where stories live. Discover now