Chapter 20: I'll Never Leave You Alone

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Mikey was in his room on Futagoid's ship (sorry if I got the name spelled wrong) with his knees drawn up to his chest and his face hidden in his knees crying. Ever since Shredder killed Splinter (some of us think the second time was worse, or maybe the first time) and Earth was destroyed by the Black Hole Generator (which happened not to long ago), he felt like he had nothing to live for anymore. He also couldn't get that nightmare out of his head; he dreamt that his friends and family had left him, only to have their dead, bloody bodies dropped down at his feet. This was one of Mikey's greatest fears aside from some others: being left alone. He felt dizzy and sick up to the point where he just wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear.

He heard the door open, but didn't even bother to take notice of whoever entered until he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking up, he saw that it was Raph, kneeling down in front of him with a sad smile. Ever since what happened, Raph had taken notice that Mikey had been distant and was probably more distressed about the recent events than everyone else was. He was even more worried when he took note of his face covered in tear streaks and his reddened eyes. "Hey there, little bro. You okay?" he asked.

Mikey just shook his head, not trusting himself with saying anything right now. But Raph didn't need Mikey to say anything; he'd looked into his eyes and saw the sadness and fear in them and immediately understood what he was thinking. Knowing what to do, he pulled the youngest into a hug, holding him tightly as he began sobbing. He quietly hushed him while rocking him back and forth. "Want to talk about it?" he asked.

Mikey shook his head with a whimper. Raph understood as he picked him up and sat on the bed, placing him in his lap. "Okay, bud," he said. "Take your time. Whenever your ready."

Mikey nodded, letting him know that he understood. The room was silent, save for Mikey's sniffles and whimpers. Raph patiently took his time and continued to rock him while rubbing soothing patterns on his shell with one hand while the other one cupped the back of his head, pushing it to rest on his chest. For a long while, they stayed that way until Mikey began to calm down. "I think I'm ready," he said, the first time he spoke ever since the events.

Raph smiled and nuzzled his head encouragingly. "Go ahead, buddy," he said.

Taking a deep breath, Mikey told him about his dream and how he felt since then. All he could ever think about was the fact that he was left alone, all by himself. He also told him how the destruction of their home affected him more badly than the nightmare, the image of all their friends and their dead father floating upwards towards the black hole. By the time he was done, he was crying all over again. His breathing became heavy and shaky as he buried his head against Raph's plastron.

Already tired from what had transpired, Mikey was even more exhausted from all the crying. His cries slowly disappeared, replaced with a few whimpers every now and then. He felt warm and safe in his brother's arms, somehow knowing that he would never leave him alone. He snuggled closer to this part of comfort and security, a sad smile on his face. As he felt Raph move so that he was laying in bed, he felt as if he was lying on top of him. He sighed contentedly as he passed out into a deep sleep from exhaustion.

Raph took notice of it and smiled at the sight of his baby brother sleeping peacefully in his arms. Without letting him go, he laid down and made himself comfortable, Mikey laying in his arms. "Get some sleep, little brother," he said. "I promise I won't leave you alone. Ever."

Raph and Mikey Brotherly Fluff and Comfort Oneshots TMNT 2012Where stories live. Discover now