Chapter 16: Bullied

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    "Hey, has anyone seen Mikey?" asked Raph. It was after evening training and almost time for patrol, but the orange clad turtle hadn't been seen since then.

    Leo shrugged while Donnie was probably in his lab again. Already running out of options, Raph decided to look somewhere else. Passing the bedrooms, he was passing by Mikey's room when he froze. He thought he heard something. Pressing his ear close to the door, he listened closely and heard it again--that unmistakable sound of the youngest crying. Silently opening the door, he peeked inside and looked around, his eyes eventually landed on a figure sitting in bed, leaning against the wall. He could barely see his shoulders shaking due to the darkness, but it was enough for him to know this--something was wrong.

    Shutting the door behind him (and sending the room in pitch blackness), Raph headed for Mikey's direction. He hopped onto the bed next to him and touched his shoulder. "Mikey?" he asked. "What's wrong, buddy?"

    Mikey froze, whipping his head in Raph's direction. Wide blue eyes meet his gaze before he broke down in sobs again. Knowing that it was something serious, Raph rubbed his arm gently, hoping it would work. At the feel of his older brother's hands rubbing his arms, Mikey started to calm down a bit, but was still crying. Raph noticed and figured that was working progress. Next, he took Mikey's hands in his. "How about we go for a walk, bud?" he suggested.

    Mikey gave a little nod in response. Raph smiled as they both walked out and ran into Leo. "Patrol's cancelled for tonight," he said. "Really bad weather, so don't go topside."

    "We won't," Raph said as he and a whimpering Mikey headed off.

    Leo noticed Mikey's expression. "What's wrong with him?" he asked.

    Raph just shrugged. "That's what I'm going to find out," he said as they both headed out. "I promise I'll tell you and the others later when we get back."

    They didn't know where they were heading, but soon they were in a different part of the sewer. It was warm, so they wouldn't have to worry about getting cold. They stopped underneath a manhole cover and Raph stopped and turned to Mikey, who was back a little ways in the darkness. "Can you tell me what's wrong, buddy?" he asked.

    Mikey shrugged as his eyes began to get misty. Raph went over to him and gently patted his shoulder. "Hey, you can tell me anything, little brother," he said. "It's just the two of us now."

    Mikey sighed, knowing that there was no way out of this. "For the past few weeks, I've been getting random messages on my phone," he said. "Mostly from people, but they still hurt me. I've tried deleting them, but they just kept coming."

    Raph was confused. "What messages?" he asked.

    Mikey didn't reply. He just handed Raph his phone before looking down at the floor in shame. Now even more confused, Raph turned on his phone and saw all those messages. His eyes widened as he read them all; they were all so hurtful. Messages calling him useless, a freak, a monster.......they were awful. Shocked, he looked up at Mikey, who was now staring to cry again. He was about to ask what was wrong when the youngest said this: "I got a death threat a few days ago."

    Raph's eyes widened. Someone somehow sent his little brother a death threat?! How could they?! He quickly scrolled down to the recent text message and saw that it was indeed true. There, in plain sight, was a death threat that said: I'm going to find and kill you.

    By that time, Mikey was full out sobbing. Raph knew he had to calm him down, but first he had to find out about something else: What else did those bullies do? "Did they do anything else to you?" he asked.

    Mikey nodded, tears steaming down his cheeks. "They found me during patrol one night and decided to beat me up to death," he said. "I was able to escape them, but they threatened to kill me and you guys if I told any of you."

    Raph clearly remembered that moment. When Mikey had gotten back to them, they'd assumed that he got those bruises from the Purple Dragons. Only Mikey had known that it wasn't the case, though. But he hadn't told anyone about it for fear that he'd lose his family.

    Now knowing where he really got those bruises, Raph decided that it was time to calm him down. "Mikey?" he said.

    Sniffling, Mikey looked up at Raph, who now had his arms out and open towards him. "Come here," he said in a gentle voice, gesturing with his fingers.

    At that moment, the floodgates seemed to burst open as Mikey ran towards Raph and threw himself at him, wrapping his arms around him and sobbing into his neck. Raph returned the embrace, one hand cradling the back of his head and the other one rubbing soothing patterns on his shell. Feeling like his legs were turning into jelly, Mikey fell to the floor, but Raph kept holding him tightly as he lowered himself to the ground, taking the youngest with him. He pulled his baby brother into his lap, leaning against the wall as he hugged him close and rocked him gently. "Shhhh, shh, shh, shhhh," he hushed softly. "It's okay. I'm here. I got you."

    They stayed like that for a while, wrapped in each other's arms; Mikey huddled close to this part of safety with his head on the older one's chest, and Raph nuzzling him for comfort. After what seemed like 20 minutes or so, Mikey's breaths began to even out, indicating that he had fallen asleep. When Raph took notice of it, he smiled and picked up his baby brother with his head close to his heart and carried him home. When he arrived, Leo and Master Splinter were both waiting for them. "There you guys are," said Leo, whispering so he wouldn't wake Mikey up. "I was about to go look for you both, it's getting late. Where've you guys been?"

    "Somewhere else talking," Raph replied, also in a hushed tone as he walked up to his room.

    "What happened?" Leo asked as he and Splinter followed Raph to his room.

    "Kid was getting bullied," answered Raph as he laid Mikey in bed and tucked him in. "Pretty much his shell phone says it all. And just recently, he got a death threat." He handed them Mikey's shell phone so they could see for themselves.

    Leo's and Splinter's eyes widened. "How?" asked Leo.

    "I don't know," Raph said. "And Mikey doesn't know either. He says that somehow, a bunch of jerks gave him those messages."

    Splinter's ears drooped with sadness as he gently stroked Mikey's head. "Poor Michelangelo," he murmured. "He does not deserve this."

    Leo nodded as he knelt down and patted Mikey's shoulder. "Don't worry little brother," he said. "We'll make sure this never happens again."

    The two left, leaving Raph alone with Mikey. Raph sighed as his youngest brother's heartwrenching cries echoed in his head. Deciding that he wasn't going to be alone tonight, Raph gently pushed Mikey until he was next to the wall and climbed into bed with him. Mikey blearly opened his eyes at the movement. "Raphie?" he whispered.

    "Shhhh," Raph answered, tugging Mikey up to rest on his emerald biceps. "Just go back to sleep, little bro."

    Mikey sighed sleepily as he couldn't help but immediately bury his face in Raph's plastron, arms hugging him as if he were a pillow. A whimper escaped him as those horrible messages entered his head. Raph noticed and pulled him in closer so he could nuzzle his head comfortingly. "Don't worry, Little Sunshine," he said, their foreheads touching. "I promise I'll find whoever did this and make sure they pay dearly for hurting my baby bro." He kissed each of his brother's face freckles and his beak, showering him with as much love as he could.

    Mikey smiled sadly and cuddled closer to Raph, the feeling of his strong arms around him always a welcoming gesture. He felt the kisses on his face and beak, making him giggle like a little child. Within moments, the warmth of Raph's body filled with comfort and love sent Mikey back to sleep. Raph noticed and smiled, happy that his baby brother was safe again. Kissing his forehead one last time, he soon fell asleep alongside him.

    Sorry I didn't go with any of your ideas first, guys. It's just that I had a few ideas of my own and decided to try them out. I hope you understand that. Other than that, I hoped you enjoyed this.

Raph and Mikey Brotherly Fluff and Comfort Oneshots TMNT 2012Where stories live. Discover now