Chapter 11: Sweet Dreams

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    Raph was sleeping one night after a rough patrol thanks to a teamwork effort of Purple Dragons and footbots when his ninja senses picked up something. Sleepily opening his eyes, he became more aware of himself while blinking away the cobwebs of sleep. Sitting up, he rubbed his eyes as the sound reached his ears. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he stood up and walked out of the room into the hallway. He first checked Leo's room to see the oldest sleeping soundly. Smiling slightly, he next checked Donnie's room, only to find it empty. Raph figured that Donnie must be in the lab again, and his suspicions were confirmed when he checked there only to find Donnie asleep with his head on the keyboard. Typical, he thought, rolling his eyes.

    Passing by the last bedroom, that's when Raph heard it-a small sob as someone could be heard saying "No" repeatedly before crying again. Knowing that there was only one turtle in the lair who would say it that sadly, Raph silently opened the door and peeked in. Looking around, his eyes eventually landed on a bed where someone was clearly tossing and turning, crying all the while. Then, the figure turned again, allowing raph to see his face....only to have his heart break when he saw that it was Mikey. The younger turtle always had an indecency of having nightmares, and this was no exception. Carefully stepping, Raph entered and closed the door, making sure to avoid the always messy floor until he arrived at the bed. He knelt down beside him and gently shook him. "Mikey? Mikey, wake up," he whispered.

    The only response he got was Mikey suddenly thrashing harder, tangled up in his blankets as he tried to shoo off whoever was trying to attack him. His screams became louder as his arms flailed around, nearly hitting Raph. Luckily, the hothead was able to dodge them. "Mikey, wake up! It's just a dream!" he said, more concerned as he grabbed his arms, keeping them still in his tight grip.

    None of those working, Raph had only one other choice. He wrapped his arms around Mikey and hugged him tightly. Mikey, in fright of his nightmare, thrashed in vain, trying to get free, but Raph had an iron grip, which made it difficult for him to get out of his grasp. Raph just pulled him closer to his chest, shushing softly as he rocked him back and forth in a steady motion. Slowly but surely, Mikey's struggles became less and less violent until he completely stopped, having given up on trying to get loose, and Mikey was left completely still with sniffles and whimpers coming out of him. Sensing this, Raph respectfully pulled away, but kept his hands on Mikey's shoulders. "Mikey?" he asked, anxiously.

    Slowly, baby blue eyes opened, looking around at their surroundings. The instant they landed on Raph, he almost screamed again as he quickly scrambled away from Raph's grasp and to the other side of his room, his shell hitting the wall as he reached a dead end. Raph was surprised; he couldn't remember the last time Mikey woke up from a nightmare like this. "Mikey? What's wrong?" he asked. "You know I'm not gonna hurt you."

    "S-Sorry," Mikey managed to whimper out. "It was my nightmare that's made me this scared; I thought you were a monster."

    "Monster?" Raph asked, slowly stepping towards him so as not to scare him further. "Mikey, what're you even taking about?"

    Mikey shuddered and kept his head down as the terrible images flashed through his mind. "Y-You as a monster," he said. "I-I dreamed that we were on patrol and f-fighting off a group of Krang bots wh-when they suddenly u-unveiled a laser that can turn mutants into h-hideous m-monsters. Th-They were a-aiming that thing at m-me when y-you shoved me out of the way at the last second."

    Raph's eyes widened as he heard the whole story. He'd put the pieces together already and figured it out. "Let me guess: I turned into a monster and proceeded to kill you," he said.

    Mikey nodded. "I-I went to check on you when y-you snapped at me with your teeth," he said, tears creeping up in his eyes. "Th-Then you stood up, but you were terrifying. Your eyes were white, your red bandana was ripped, and spikes were growing on your shell. You were acting more like a h-horrifying animal than your usual self. I tried to get away, but you blocked my escape routes. Leo and Donnie were both gone on the spot with only one hit each so hard they were instantly k-killed. Then you grabbed me when I tried to escape again, all the time I was saying that there was still good in you. But at that, you th-threw me off the roof so hard I was fatally injured. Then you jumped down after me and...and..." He couldn't finish because he started crying again, but he didn't need to.

Raph and Mikey Brotherly Fluff and Comfort Oneshots TMNT 2012Where stories live. Discover now