1st Arc Part 8: Plan of Action

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Ding dong, bing bong.

"This is an official announcement from the Ultimate Academy. Wake up, bastards. It's 8 a.m." Monosuke said.

"Oooh, today's the day the time limit expires. My heart is pounding with excitement." Monotaro said.

"Don't worry! Even if you end up in hell, at least you can be proud that you didn't do the killing game!" Monophanie encouraged us.

"You're just assumin' they're gonna go to hell?" Monosuke asked. Monokid tried to give his input, but he started speaking in tongues or something unintelligible. Who programmed these robots?

"Hey, Monokid...why don't we go over there and drink some more honey, okay?" Monotaro said, trying to get Monokid to calm down.

The monitors then shut off. They always have some kind of stupid antics going on, huh?

Annoying. That's all those kubs are. Monokuma and the mastermind are the real threats. And today, I end those threats.

It's 8 a.m. right now, meaning I have 15 hours until the time limit ends. That's plenty of time to set everything up. I just need to talk to a few people to make sure everything is perfect. I know one of the people I'll ask, but I'm not sure who else I can trust with this. There are 17 of us, after all, one being the mastermind. It can't just be anyone.

Hmm... I should get some food first and check on what everyone's doing before I start setting everything up. I didn't get much sleep last night, if any, since I was too busy thinking up the plan for today, so I should really get some food to make sure I can at least function today. I say that I didn't get much sleep, but the plan I came up with is actually relatively simple. I was mainly making sure there weren't any better ways of handling this considering...what it is.

I get dressed and grab a notebook and pen that I found on my desk, stuffing them into my jacket pocket, before heading out. I exit the dorms and see Kaede and Angie rushing to the dining hall. They're in a hurry for some reason.

"Hey, good morning!" I called out, getting their attention. "I would have thought you'd be with Shuichi, Kaede. You and Angie appear to be troubled by something. What's up?"

"Ah! Rin! Perfect! Maybe you could help us." Kaede said.

"Help? If I'm able to, then sure. But with what exactly?"

"Nyahaha! There are people in the dining hall who are fighting! We're going to try and stop them!" Angie said happily.

"Fighting?" I asked. "At a time like this? That can't be good. Let's go. We need to stop it before it escalates into something really bad."

"Agreed! Let's go!" Kaede said.

With that, we ran to the dining hall and saw the commotion. In the dining hall were Rantaro and Ryoma, the two who were fighting. Kiyo seemed to be watching the fight while eating, while Kirumi was cleaning the kitchen.

"What's going on here!?" Kaede shouted, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room.

"Oh, Kaede, Rin. Perfect timing." Rantaro said. "I...really don't know what to do, you two. Ryoma started talking crazy..."

"All I was doing was making a suggestion. So that more people can survive." Ryoma clarified. "...Even if it's just one more."

"'So that more people can survive'?" I repeated his words before the horrible realization came to me. "Wait! You don't mean that-!?"

"Yeah. That's exactly what I mean. Don't you get it? If time runs out like this, we'll all get annihilated, y'know. The only way to avoid that is to play along with this killing game."

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