1st Arc Part 18: Shuichi Saihara

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Shuichi was left speechless after the execution.

Everyone was left with no words for what they had witnessed. It was over. What they had witnessed...it didn't feel real. It was as if everything they had known to be true had suddenly vanished from reality itself. Despite what they may have thought of the person who was called Tsumugi Shirogane, it no longer mattered. That girl didn't exist in the world anymore. Like a small flame on a candle, her life was easily snuffed out, and in such a gruesome manner.

The Monokubs were also freaking out due to what had happened to their brother.

"Huh? What the...? Wh-Why is Monokid...?" Monotaro stammered as he tried to reason why one of his own died.

"M-Monodam? What...have you done...?" Monophanie asked before puking.

"But this tension ain't so bad, y'know? Finally feels like a proper killing game. If anything, we could stand to use a little more tension in our lives. Right, dad?" Monosuke commented.

"Nooo! My sweet, darling Monokid... Claimed as collateral damage!" Monokuma cried. "This is a nightmare... This is unacceptable... My precious cub is..." Before he finished, Monokuma lit up with happiness and joy as he smiled. "On second thought, I guess it's okay. After all, I still got four more cubs! Phew! I'm glad you kids came in bulk."

"...Huh? It's okay?" Monotaro asked as sweat dropped from his face.

"I-I'm shocked... Our existence...means that little, huh?" Monophanie whimpered.

"What's done is done, what's dead is dead. No point crying over blown-up cubs." Monokuma said with no emotion. "...Unless you wanna end up like these sad sacks." He then said as he pointed at everyone.

"What...! What in the world...is this...!?" Keebo cried out as he backed away from the screens and made a horrified expression as his eyes widened and something that looked like sweat poured from his face.

"A-Are you...fuckin'... kiddin' me!? Talk about overkill...!" Miu shrieked as she cowered at what was witnessed.

"Atua... Please grant Tsumugi's soul eternal repose." Angie whispered in prayer, not a distressed emotion on her face.

"I...I can't believe this happened to Tsumugi... Even if she was the mastermind, such a thing is...t-to...m-m-muuuuch...!" Kokichi whimpered "WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" He cried out as tears exploded from him. He was probably faking the tears, but Shuichi doubted that even he wouldn't feel anything after both Kirumi and Tsumugi's deaths.

"Puhuhu! All this adrenaline creates such an exquisite feeling of despair! Yes! Not even the mastermind can escape from the despair of this killing game!" Monokuma cried out with a bellowing laugh. "It's moments like this that make all the killings worth it!"

"Is that why you're doing this?" Rantaro asked with a pissed-off expression full of hatred and malice. "Tsumugi mentioned that this was for 'everyone' before she died, so what? Does that mean this is a show for someone? We're just someone's entertainment?"

"You're the worst of the worst! Does human life have no value to you at all!?" Tenko asked as she cried.

"Hey, I know human life is precious. I'm not a monster, y'know." Monokuma said. "Cuz if human life wasn't precious, ending it wouldn't be nearly as much fun! There's no greater joy than witnessing such a display of despair entertainment. And don't worry about that everyone Tsumugi mentioned. I don't want to spoil it for you after all!"

"Kehehe... You've surpassed psychotic by a wide margin." Kiyo said with a glare at the bear, visibly angered for what seemed like the first time.

"...I don't think I've ever felt quite this...irritated." Ryoma hissed as he pulled his hat down to hide the dark look of disgust he had.

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