3rd Arc Part 18: Day of Unrest

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"Umm, not to be rude, Rin, but you look terrible," Kaede told me as I sat down at the dining hall table.

"Ugh..." I only replied with a loud groan before letting my head fall onto the table, creating a loud thud that resonated in the room.

One night. It's only been one night and I already feel like my eyes are burning on top of this minor headache I now have. My eyes hurt and it's taking a little more effort just to open my eyes again after blinking and then keeping them open. I'm not going to fall asleep anytime soon, but I certainly feel the consequences of staying up all night.

I've always had poor sleeping habits before this, but I haven't stayed up all night since the day after Kirumi died. It was terrible back then, but it's slightly worse since I've been pulling partial all-nighters before this happened. I'm grateful to Rantaro for trying to help me stay up by talking to me and figuring out ways to kill time, but I still feel like crap.

"Was night watch for you too much?" Kirumi asked with a small chuckle.

"Of course not. I'm an expert at pulling all-nighters!" I shouted while pointing my thumb at myself before realizing I said that on instinct.

I'm not sure if I said that because that's what I would normally say before I lost my memories, or if I'm just tired enough to start spouting things without thinking.

"Uh, forget what I just said." I quickly added before sighing. "Is there any coffee here?"

"You drink coffee?" Rantaro asked with a curious look.

"No, but I need something with caffeine in me right now," I replied groggily.

"I do not think drinking coffee after staying up all night is exactly healthy, but yes. There is coffee in the kitchen." Kirumi told me with a frown.

"Cool. Hope there's also some sugar in there." I said as I got up from my chair, muttering the last part as I went to get my drink.

After quickly brewing it, adding some cream, and sitting back down with both my cup of coffee and the entire bag of sugar that I found in there. I put in a humble amount of sugar before I took a quick sip and nearly gagged at the bitterness. I then poured maybe a quarter of the sugar bag into my drink before I was able to drink it without my body rejecting it.

"Geez, Rin. Want some coffee to go with that sugar?" Kaede asked with a laugh.

"Shut up..." I muttered as I continued to drink. "I hate bitter things. Why can't coffee be sweet normally?"

"So you have a sweet tooth? I can see that, but I think maybe you put in a bit too much sugar in your drink." Rantaro chuckled.

"You've got that wrong! There's no such thing as too much sugar!" I gave a swift rebuttal. "Anyway, people seem to be handling this rather well, all things considered."

I gave a quick glance over and saw the others who were here at the dining hall happily enjoying their breakfast. It seemed like a normal scene that we have every day, though, under the normality of it, I already noticed some slight differences.

"Yeah, but I bet the motive is still weighing on people's minds," Kaede said.

"Indeed. It's certainly something I am still concerned about." Kirumi added in a solemn tone.

"I know. This happiness is rather forced. Some people aren't here, like Ryoma, Maki, and Keebo. And some people aren't even properly hiding their FA."


"Forbidden Action is a mouthful, so I'm just gonna call it FA," I told Kirumi. "And forget what I just said. It's a bad habit of mine, and speculation on this sort of topic is only going to make things worse."

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