0th Arc: Little Thoughts Born in the Rain

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I never used to like hospitals. They used to scare me when I was a child, and that stuck even after I grew up into an adult for a while. Maybe it was because I watched a bunch of horror movies that took place in hospitals, or perhaps it was how sterile and colorless everything tended to be in hospitals. But the most likely reason was because of what happens in hospitals.

What was that one quote? 'Statistically, you're more likely to die in a hospital than anywhere else'? Whether that was true or not, hospitals reeked of illness, decay, and death. Everyone who comes here is in need of help. Sometimes, they're in desperate help. People with broken limbs, covered in blood, dying in slow agony...

It was all such a pitiful sight, I couldn't bear the sight of it. Not one bit. The way it made my stomach churn and how it made my skin feel sickly...It was something I never thought I'd get used to.

It seems so silly now...being worried over pointless things like that.

I continued to stare out the window, watching the rain fall, before I finally sighed. Why is this, of all things, causing my heart to race? There was no reason to worry. It was professionals who had worked on this. Nothing should or could go wrong. They wouldn't have done this if there was a risk of failure, and, even if there was, they would have told me.

I shook away my doubts as I continued to stare at the pouring rain. It had been raining heavily this entire week, and that just made the world look more dreary and drab. I've heard from a few people that rain is supposed to be the tears of God or something like that. I never understood that. The rain isn't bad. It's a beautiful thing. It's necessary. People can sometimes forget that since rain is always used to depict sorrow, when in reality, rain symbolizes life, growth, and change.

Tears of God... As if there's a god watching us from on high. How foolish. The only thing that determines the outcome of the world is the people living in it. For better or for worse, it is the people who create the world. Whatever the people dictate will happen, no matter who complains, and no matter if what they want only destroys them. That's just how people are.

Staring at the rain, I couldn't help but ponder more about the current state of things. We were living in an unprecedented time of peace. There were no wars. There was no conflict. Even all the nations of the world were getting along for the most part, or at least, they weren't antagonizing each other like they used to. It has been so long since tragedy struck that people have forgotten that bad things have happened. It's almost like history has been erased with how forgetful they are.

They've forgotten about wars. They've forgotten about poverty. They've forgotten about sickness and plagues. They've forgotten about persecution and discrimination. They've forgotten genocides.

In truth, the people of the world have forgotten that evil even exists outside of fiction. That cruelty was first born from a living, breathing human in reality and not from words depicting a fantastical world and people. All they know is what the world is now, this peaceful, calm, wonderful world free from all of that ugliness that makes up half of humanity.

They choose to blind themselves to the truth, instead choosing to consume fiction and hope to cover up the cracks in the mirror that is reality. If they don't, then they would realize that they are just as flawed as the characters they adore, and perhaps even more so. They'd realize that everything bad that ever happened was because of people just like them. That the problem isn't because of talented people or evil people or rich people or poor people or well-off people or even normal people, but that the problem is with humanity itself. They'd realize the problem is that humans in general, while we may try to be good, are instinctively evil. That's why as children we all need to be taught to be good and then be enforced to be good by our parents. They all refuse to see that.

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