4th Arc Part 7: Imminent Demise

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There was a small error where I forgot to add a scene involving a truth bullet. I have added the scene, so now you all have all the information for the case. So sorry about that. Why do I keep doing this to myself?


Kokichi and I were about to head over to Kaito's crime scene, but imagine my shock when we ran into evidence right after we left Kaito's research lab. "Is this rope?" I asked.

"Sure seems like it," Kokichi smirked as he grabbed it. "Looks new, too. But why, oh why, is it tied to the door handle of Kaito's research lab?"

"It is strange. This rope is long enough to dangle off the railing by a few feet." I noted as I looked over the railing. "What was the killing doing, and why did they need rope?"

"Perhaps they didn't even get the chance to use it?" Kokichi asked. "There's no frays anywhere on it. Like I said, it looks brand new. I don't think it was used at all."

"Hmm...strange," I muttered. It's certainly a strange thing to find, but I should keep it in mind. After all, there had to be a purpose for it being here. I can already think of a few ways this rope might have been used, but there's just one problem with those ideas. Kaito's lack of injuries, and Gonta's body being in the research lab. Just what was this for?

Truth Bullet Obtained: Rope

"Let's hurry up and head downstairs," I said as I quickly walked down the stairs.

"Sure." Kokichi nodded before flashing me a childish grin. "Hey, Rinny. Can you give me a piggyback-"

"For the last time, no!" I yelled.

"Nee-heehee, you're so mean." Kokichi giggled as we continued our way to the second crime scene. After a bit of walking, we were there, and the first thing I did was make a beeline for Kaito's body.

"Kaito..." I muttered as I looked at my fallen friend. I didn't let myself be engulfed by dark thoughts as I shook my head. "I need to focus on investigating..." With that said, I crouched down and began looking at Kaito's body. "Just as the Monokuma File said, he really doesn't have any external injuries."

"Yeah, but look at his mouth. There's a bunch of blood stains around it." Kokichi pointed out. "It looks like he vomited all this blood."

"All of it? But this is so much." I spoke with a sad whisper. "If he vomited all of this...then it's no wonder he died." I shook my head again as I continued. "Just like Gonta, it doesn't look like the body has been disturbed. No drag marks at all."

"There isn't a whole lot to see from Kaito's body, huh? I guess that means we need to focus on the important question during the trial: what was his cause of death?" Kokichi pointed out. "There are no signs as to what caused Kaito to cough up all this blood, so once we figure that out, perhaps the mystery surrounding his death will be cleared up."

"Maybe," I said as I put a hand over my mouth. What killed you Kaito? What could have taken you from us?

Truth Bullet Obtained: Kaito's Body

"Hey, look at this Rinny!" Kokichi called out as he picked up something. "This was near Kaito's body. I think it might have been something he had on him."

"Really? What is it?"

"It's a medicine bottle." Kokichi handed me the item, which was indeed a pill bottle for medicine I'd never seen or even heard of before.

"Medicine? Kaito had this?" I questioned as I looked at the bottle's label. "Huh? What is this?"

"Did you find something?"

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