1st Arc Part 12: Investigation Start

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Since the investigation has started, I walked up to my partner for the case, Kaito.

"Kaito, are you ready to start?"

"Yeah, let's do this," Kaito said, punching his hands together with determination. "There's a lot of ground to cover. I'm counting on you, sidekick!"


"Yeah! We both came up with plans for the strategy meeting and even then you were already working on how to end this killing game by yourself!"

"So...how does that make me your sidekick?"

"I'm more of a scientist kinda guy, so I'm not really suited for investigations like this. It's why you paired me with you, right?"

"Well...I guess, but I would think that kind of trait would be useful here."

"Plus, the only stage fit for Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars, is the universe itself. So I'll leave the details to you. Pave the way for my success!"

"Doesn't that make you the sidekick?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Don't worry about it. I'll make all the tough calls, you just gotta do what I say." Kaito said. He's jumping the gun again, isn't he? "So...I'll take full responsibility. Since you're my sidekick, you don't gotta worry about failures."


"So what should we start with? There's a lot to cover, right?" Kaito asked.

I don't have to worry about failures? Is Kaito...trying to help me overcome my insecurities? He must know how I blame myself for failing to save Kirumi. He's trying to help me by lessening the burden I've placed on myself. I chuckle. He really is something else...

"Let's start with the body. We have the Monokuma File, but we should check if it's accurate. Monokuma also said it wouldn't contain info that would reveal the killer, so we might find something crucial." I began.

"Right. Let's go." Kaito said, a bit hesitant about examining Kirumi's body.

It's understandable. Kirumi was our friend, and for her to end up like this... I pushed down the thought as Kaito and I walked up to the body. When we got closer to the body, I couldn't help but stare. The last time I saw Kirumi, she was perfectly healthy. We chatted like we always did. She even tricked me a bit. Yet that's all over now. I shake my head. Stop it. Kaito's right. It's not my fault. I need to focus on how to move forward.

"So why is Kirumi even here?"


"Well, from what you, Shuichi, and Kaede said, there's a hidden door over there," Kaito said, pointing to the bookcase. "Did Kirumi also come here for the door? If so, why is her body over here in the corner?"

"That's a good point. There are also no drag marks, and there's a pool of blood that seems to have been undisturbed, so I don't think she was moved to this position. Hmm... Why did Kirumi die here?"

That's probably going to be an important topic in the trial, so I'll need to find an answer soon.

Truth Bullet Obtained: State of Body

"So about the body... where do we even start?" Kaito asked. I crouched down towards Kirumi and bowed my head.

"Forgive me, but I need to investigate." I apologized as I began to closely examine the wounds.

Monokuma was right. There were about 13 stab wounds scattered around Kirumi's chest and torso. Each wound was in a different place and looked like they were quickly and brashly made. Either they had a deep hatred for Kirumi, or they needed to be quick with the stabbing. While investigating the wounds, one in particular caught my eye.

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