3rd Arc Part 16: It's All Fun and Games

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"Whew!" I sighed as I wiped the sweat off my forehead.

I then leaned back in my chair and put my arms around the back of my head. Today was something else, and it's not even halfway over. All of us spent the entire morning talking over everything we could do to help in our goal to prevent any murders from happening. Everyone had something to say, and we tried to go over everything.

By the end, we had discussed a lot and had come to a few agreements. The first was keeping the night guard system the student council had set in place, but now, everyone was allowed to take part in it. We actually made a newly updated list for that, adding everyone who wanted to volunteer for it.

After that, we discussed things like what we would do with the underground tunnel, certain items that could be found in areas like the warehouse and some labs, and other things. It took a while, but we finally finished, and everyone's gone to do their own thing.

Meanwhile, I'm still in the dining hall to eat a decent meal for once.

But as I was eating, I couldn't help but think about what I should do next. I wasn't really sure. I had just finished tying up the loose ends for the day, and I felt pretty satisfied at that. So what now?

I suppose I could go hang out with someone, but I'm not sure who to ask. I think I saw Kaede go with Kirumi to do something, and I believe Kaito and Shuichi went off to do something.

I frowned at that thought. I still don't know how I'm supposed to talk to Kaito. I fixed things with the student council and everyone else, but I still haven't apologized to Kaito. Not sure how to really. How am I supposed to apologize to him?

I sighed as I pushed the thought away for now. I'll have to figure something out later, I guess.

On another note, I also saw Tenko go off with Himiko and Angie, with Tenko wearing a smile on her face and Himiko looking more at ease with those two. It seems everything really is looking up for us if Tenko is getting along with Angie and Himiko. In fact, everyone seems to be getting along splendidly now. There's a new peaceful atmosphere that's permeated the school.

I wonder how long that will last?

That's when I kicked myself. Stop that, Rin. You'll jinx us.

Heh, when did I start worrying about stuff like that? At that thought, I felt my face frown more. Actually, when have I not been worrying about something or other? God, when I think of it that way, no wonder I felt so exhausted. But it can't be helped. I'm the oldest and really the only adult here, so I have to take charge and worry. It's my job.

But since I have my mind on what I should be worrying about, I haven't had time to really chew on those Foresight visions I've had. Not that it really matters, does it? Sure, I saw two deaths. Angie and Tenko. Both of them were dead, so that means one or both could be the target of the next crime, but there's no longer any motive for a crime to happen. The Necronomicon was a one time thing, and with Kirumi back, that's a moot point for a motive.

Not only that, but Foresight has almost become useless when it comes to future murders, as seen with how I was completely blindsided with Miu's death. I haven't really put much stock in it after that, but that shouldn't mean it's completely useless. But it hasn't been happening nearly as much now. It's less frequent.

The last time I got a useful Foresight was when it told me about something called the Gopher Project, but I haven't gotten anything more from that. I wonder if I could try to get more info out of Foresight. If I trigger it with some questions, maybe I'll get something, but I'm not sure what I could ask.

I sighed as I got up from my seat. Great. I feel pretty useless now. What am I supposed to do? Perhaps I could–no. I shouldn't even be thinking about this stuff.

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