3rd Arc Part 11: Freedom vs Security

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"Whew..." I sighed as I leaned back in my chair.

After speaking with Himiko, I returned to my dorm room. The nighttime announcement then played, officially making it nighttime. I suppose that means Keebo and Tenko should be outside preparing to keep watch. It also means it's time to train with Kaito and the others.

Can't say I'm not excited about it. I've actually been looking forward to it, now that I've actually done it and realized just how helpful it is, as well as how much fun it is. I readied myself and headed out, immediately seeing Shuichi, Kaede, and Maki together near the entrance. Kaito, strangely enough, is missing.

Huh? Wonder where he is?

That's when I noticed they were talking to Keebo and Tenko.

"What exactly are you two doing, standing near the dormitory's exit together?" Shuichi asked them.

"This is just part of the Student Council's defensive measure to help keep the peace in the academy." Keebo answered him.

"Exactly. We're keeping watch to keep tabs on who goes out and what they're doing." Tenko added.

"You're keeping watch?" Kaede questioned.

"Yes. The council decided that this was for the best for everyone. Kiyo tampered with Miu's body and the scene of the crime at night in his case, so it's best to limit everyone's actions during the night."

"Limit everyone's actions? What, are you going to keep us from going out?" Maki asked in a slightly angry voice.

"Nothing like that. We just don't want anyone going out alone at night. We want to keep everyone accountable." I said as I walked over to the group.

"Rin? You're here?" Shuichi asked me.

"Yeah. We're still training, right?"

"Y-Yeah, but we didn't think you were coming," Kaede told me.

"Of course I'd come. I wouldn't miss it." I told them with a smile. "Student Council stuff is over if that's what you were worried about."

"I-I see," Kaede said.

"Speaking of which, where's Kaito? Are you guys waiting for him?"

"He said he wasn't feeling well," Maki told me. "He's resting in his room right now. He told us to train without him."

"Really? He's not feeling well?" I questioned. "I guess he did look pale back at the gym this morning. I hope he feels better soon. Still, that won't stop us, right?"

"R-Right." Shuichi nodded hesitantly, his face a bit confused as he looked at me. That's when I turned to Keebo and Tenko.

"The four of us will be just outside the dorms doing some exercise. We should be fine."

"I see. Make sure you all come back safely." Keebo said.

"We will." I nodded as I led the others to where we trained last time. Without saying anything else, the four of us began training like the previous night.

"...Hey." Maki started talking to me as we each were doing push-ups.


"So...how come you're training? You didn't seem to enjoy it too much last night." She asked me.

"Well, I realized what the point of it was. When I discovered that, it sort of made everything less stressful. It gave me an outlet, I guess. Doing this last night, and doing it right now, sort of helps me get rid of any worry and doubt in my mind at the moment. It's a nice feeling." I answered. "It's the same with you guys, right? You all don't have to do this training, but you're still here, even when Kaito isn't."

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