3rd Arc Part 20: Left Unchecked

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3rd Arc: Revived Hope That's Crushed by Forced Regret

Deadly Life

Daybreak. While Rantaro and the others were in the virtual world, the beginning of a new day had begun in the real world. And this first thing to greet their ears this lovely morning was:

Ding Dong, Dong Ding!

"A body has been discovered! Everyone, please report to the computer room..." Monokuma announced as he entered the room, but he stopped the moment he saw everyone turn to look at him, their expression ranging from completely broken, total shock, or completely blank. "Wait, you're already here." Monokuma mused as he tilted his head in a cute manner. "Wow, I got to bring you the body discovery announcement live! Whew, doin' it live is great! Better than beer and fuckin'!" Monokuma laughed for a bit before he stopped with a look of remembrance. "Oh! Almost forgot!"

Ding Dong, Dong Ding!

"Forgot to mention this, but there's another body in the computer room! There. I said it!" Monokuma stated. That's when the Monokubs entered the computer room, and Monophanie started puking as soon as she saw the two bodies.

"Woah! Two bodies!? That's new!"

"Actually, it's happened plenty of times now. Still, no one really likes these kinds of cases, since they all end up with 'third case syndrome' but this case will break that stigma! Down with horribly used motives and character assassination!" Monokuma proclaimed with confidence. "At least that's what the author is hoping for." While Monokuma was saying that, Monodam just stayed silent. He didn't even look at his siblings or his father, instead focusing his gaze on Angie, Ryoma, and Rin. He looked conflicted about something.

Of course, no one was actually paying attention to Monokuma, the cubs, or even the body discovery announcement. All they were focusing on were the bodies of their fallen friends, confused and dumbfounded as to what even had happened.

"This is...so horrible!" Kaito exclaimed as he paled from the disgusting scene in front of him.

"Angie...! Angie...!" Himiko sobbed as she cried into her small hands. Tenko reached out to the little magician but stopped herself as she held her arm with a despairing look.

"How...did this even happen?" She asked in a soft tone.

"A-Angie... And even Ryoma... Why!?" Keebo shouted.

"Why? Angie and Ryoma fine at mansion, so...why they dead now!?" Gonta cried, not even bothering to hide his tears like Himiko was.

"It's obvious. Someone must have killed them." Maki stated.

"...Where's Kirumi?" Shuichi eventually asked as he looked around. "She's not here."

"Y-You're right..." Kaito said as he looked around. "You don't think-?" Before he could finish his sentence, almost as if on cue, they all heard rapid footsteps running fast down the hallway, the sound growing louder until the door burst open.

"Am I too late?! Was that really-" Kirumi shouted before her eyes landed on the two victims. "N-No...!? Not only Ryoma but Angie as well!? H-How did this happen?!"

"You're too late, Kirumi. All the others finished gasping in terror already." Kokichi told the man, though his voice had a bit of poison in it as he spat the words out with a glare. "But that's not important right now. What is important is this: where were you this whole time? What were you doing? And why do you have that knife in your hands?" It was true. From the moment Kirumi entered the room, she had a large kitchen knife in her hand.

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