3rd Arc Part 17: Forbidden Truths, Actions, and Future

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"M-M-Monokuma!?" Kaede shouted in shock, nearly dropping her plate when she saw the cursed bear.

"What are you doing here!?" Keebo yelled while pointing at the bear angrily.

"What am I doing here?" Monokuma repeated before giving us a contemplative look. "What am I doing here? What are any of us doing here?" He then turned to me while tilting his head. "Hey, Mister Wakuri, ever wonder why we're here? Like, do you think it's some sort of cosmic coincidence or that there really is a God who has a plan for us?"

"Why are you asking me!?" I asked with a glare. "That's not even what Keebo meant! He meant 'Why are you here right now'!"

"Neither of those applies to you anyway. You're a robotic bear made to keep us here, aren't you?" Himiko questioned.

"Oh, I just thought I'd say some fun stuff since I'm back and all." Monokuma giggled.

"You say that, but haven't you been here the entire time?" Maki asked.

"Yeah, like, you were all depressed and not talking and stuff." Kokichi said in a curious voice.

"Oh that? I'll happily explain all of that, but first..." Monokuma began before he took a deep breath and started yelling. "KIDS! GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE ON THE DOUBLE!"

Not even a few seconds after that did the dining room doors slam open to reveal three extremely worried and terrified Monokubs, who immediately took notice of their father.

"Eeeeh!? Father!? What is Father doing here!?" Monotaro shouted.

"Pupupu! I'm baaack! Were you good while I was away?" Monokuma asked his kids with a twisted smile.

"Away?" Monophanie asked. But before she got an answer, Monokuma grabbed them and started licking them...again.

"Thank you so much, my adorable, darling cubs! With you running the academy, I was able to fully enjoy my relaxing vacation!"

"Heeheehee! Oh, that tickles! Father's intense love is getting me all soaked!" Monotaro shouted happily, completely forgetting why he was even scared that his father was back.

"Daddy, your tongue feels amazing! This better not awaken anything in me!" Monophanie added, seemingly enjoying the 'love' Monokuma was showing them. I couldn't help but shiver. Disgusting...

"NOOOOOOOOO..." That was all Monodam could cry out during the entire exchange, not wanting anything from his abusive father. "YOU... YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE AN EMPTY SHELL! SO WHY...!?"

"Man, that vacation was just what I needed." Monokuma said as he put his cubs down, ignoring Monodam entirely. "It's important to take time off to relax. Normally, most companies won't even let you take time off to go on vacation, but I was able to do it! The secret is to just leave whether you get permission or not!"

"So you left? No wonder things were calm around here." I mumbled to myself.

"But if you left, then who was that bald you that was here the whole time?" Monotaro asked.

It was then that the 'fake' Monokuma who was balding walked in, still as silent and dead inside as he had been for the past few days.

"Oh this guy? He's just a part-timer I got to cover me while I was gone" Monokuma answered while taking out a fat stack of cash and handing it to his double. "Here's your pay, like we agreed on! Now take it and get outta here!"

"I thought you said you were supposed to be relaxed now. Did that vacation not help with that?" Angie asked curiously as the fake Monokuma took the money and left.

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