3rd Arc Part 8: Transfer Student from the Dead

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Ding Dong Bing Bong.

"This is an official announcement from the Ultimate Academy! It is now 8:00 a.m."


I shot up from my desk when the morning announcement started. It took me a few seconds to realize what was going on. I had fallen asleep at my desk again, my motive video and the Electro Radar in front of me, along with tons of paper, each detailing multiple possible theories about everything I could think of, from what the killing game was, my memories, and even ways of escape.

I groaned as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, all while being forced to listen to the Monokub's stupid antics again.

"THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT. PLEASE ASSEMBLE IN THE GYM." My attention was immediately grabbed when I heard Monodam say that though. "REFUSAL TO GET ALONG...IS GROUNDS FOR PUNISHMENT."

"Oh, Monodam, you're really obsessed with this whole getting-along thing!" Monotaro noted.

"'Friends' is the only show he watches now!" Monophanie added. They have TV?


I immediately shuttered at the thought of the graphic image. Did not need that first thing in the morning...

"Ughhhh! That's so gory!" Monophanie cried out, sharing my displeasure with the threat. "P-Please get along everyo–" She couldn't finish as she started throwing up.

"Ah! She puked again! Ooh, it's blue this time! How rare!" Monotaro exclaimed. "They say anyone who sees Monophanie's blue puke will have good luck."

Good luck, huh? I couldn't help but look at the Radar when I heard that. Would you consider last night 'good luck'?

With a final farewell, the monitors shut off, leaving me alone with my thoughts once more. Lots of things were going through my mind at the moment. The student council that we formed yesterday, as well as my first test run of the Electro Radar.

Student Council meeting ended sooner than expected, with just us talking a bit about how we would go about doing what we would do and what our main goals should be, the goals being ending the killing game and preventing any death, obviously. I soon left after that, though the others wanted to stay behind and talk a bit more with Angie about Atua, so since I was free, I was able to finally test the Radar in my room.

...It works. A miracle, I guess, considering I partially made the battery from scratch. Speaking of which, the battery is a bit finicky. It works fine on low-power settings, but I'm afraid it'll blow up in my hands if I go anywhere close to max power. Still, it works fine on low settings, which is what I'll be mainly using it for anyway. I don't really need max power for just a small room.

It does exactly what I wanted it to do: it scans the area it's in for electronic devices and can shut them off. The problem is with what it found last night. In just my room alone there were over 20 devices. To say I was creeped out was an understatement. I immediately disabled them, causing the radar to make a small humming sound before it stopped. Using the radar again showed 0 devices in range, so it definitely did its job, at least for a time.

Speaking of which, time to see if I was right about this. I picked up the radar and quickly turned it on once again, keeping the same settings so that it would only detect devices in my room. After I pressed the button, I got the same results as last night: 20 devices. It only disables them for a short period of time.

I figured, but that's still a disappointment.

20 devices...if they're all cameras, then... I felt a chill at that thought.

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