2nd Arc Part 6: Kubs Pads and Trust

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Ding dong, bing bong

"Rise and shine, ursine!"


"Oh shut up...!" I mumbled while still half asleep, throwing one of the many pillows I had at the monitor before burying my head under many more pillows and blankets.

Sleep is soooooo nice. I don't have a single care in the world. Just sleep. My strategy seemed to block out whatever the kubs were saying, which is fine by me. They never have anything useful to say anyway. Of course, right when I was getting comfortable again...


"Oh, COME ON!" I shouted as I got out of bed and walked to the door. "What do you want?" I asked as I opened the door.

"Rin! Good, you're okay!" Kaito exclaimed with a sigh of relief.

Immediately, I'm brought out of my tired daze.

"Okay...? Wait, what happened? Why are you freaking out?" I asked with urgency.

"You don't know?" Kaito asked.

"Uhh...no? Just woke up."

"Did you get anything like this?" Kaito asked as he held up what looked like a Monopad, though it was yellow with red, pink, green, blue, and orange paint splats on the back of it. It also had the word 'Kubs Pad' embellishing the back of it as well.

"Kubs Pad? No, I didn't get anything like that. Hang on." I said as I looked back into my room, with Kaito entering as well to look for it. "Nope. Nothing new. Where did you get that?"

"It was in my room when I woke up! Everyone got one!"

"Everyone? Except me? What even is it? May I see?"

"W-Wait! Rin, don't-!"

He didn't get to finish as I grabbed his Kubs Pad and touched the screen, the screen coming to life as I did.

"Alright! Back by popular demand, it's time for the motive video!" Monokuma's voice rang out as I saw the title 'Maki Harukawa's Motive Video' in bold.

"Maki?" I questioned as the video went to Maki dressed in a red hood with a crossbow in her hand.

Oh no...

"Maki Harukawa, the Ultimate As-"

"Oh shit!" I screamed as I hurriedly pressed the screen again, pausing the video. I quickly turned to Kaito with a terrified expression. "You didn't...happen to watch this, did you?"

Kaito just stared at me before he pointed at me with an expression of complete shock.

"YOU KNEW ABOUT HER TALENT!?" He shouted. I facepalmed at that.

"So you did watch the video." I sighed. "And since you know, I might as well tell you that yes I did know. I figured it out on my own, though it's nice having real confirmation about it." I then turned to the video again and bit my lip. "I want to know what this video is about since I didn't get one, especially if it's as bad as you're making it out to be. May I?"

Kaito gritted his teeth before he sighed and nodded.

"Thank you." I thanked him before I started the video again, rewinding it a little before I did.

"Maki Harukawa, the Ultimate Assassin. Maki's life has been full of misfortune, all of it starting in a special orphanage that raised kids for the Holy Salvation Society, a cult that scouts kids to turn them into assassins. Maki was just one of the unlucky, or perhaps lucky, few to be picked to join their ranks. The Holy Salvation Society holds power over the orphanage, meaning they can do whatever they want to it if Maki does something they don't like. So, Maki follows their orders in order to protect the orphanage and make sure they stay afloat."

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