1st Arc Part 16: Shattered Reality

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"H-Hold on. This is all so sudden, I don't think I understand." Tsumugi choked out.

"A-Are you saying the one who is putting us through all of this... is Tsumugi?" Kaede asked.

"N-No...it has to be...some kind of mistake." Tsumugi cried out.

"Don't you think that's kinda impossible? Tsumugi's just a cosplayer." Himiko stated.

"Y-Yeah! I'm just a plain cosplayer! There's no way I could be capable of doing something like killing or being a mastermind!" Tsumugi quickly agreed.

"But you're the only one who went to do something during the end of the time limit. You said it yourself that you 'went to the bathroom.'" I refuted. "Everyone else has an alibi. You're the only one who doesn't."

"B-But...it's impossible!" Tsumugi desperately said. "It's all just a coincidence..."

"Tsumugi, you need to either give us an explanation or a rebuttal," Shuichi said. "The evidence and the discussion we have had are pointing to you as the culprit."

"B-B-But..." Tsumugi stuttered.

"How do we know that anything Rin said is reliable?" Maki asked.

"Huh?" Both Tsumugi and I looked stunned by Maki's sudden objection.

"You said you brought a knife to the library. Do you happen to mean the knife that was used to kill Kirumi?" She asked.

"If that's the same knife, then Rin could be lying," Ryoma said.

"Why are you doubting Rin?" Keebo asked. "His plan and statements thus far have been very logical and well thought out."

"But someone still fuckin' died!" Miu said. "That white hair fucker was already suspicious before, but he's way more suspicious now!"

"The fact that he's now accusing someone like Tsumugi is also bizarre," Kiyo said. "While it's true that Tsumugi left during the last few moments of the time limit, she was going to the bathroom. Rin's own testimony proves that she was there when he went to find her."

"Perhaps Rin's real plan was to kill Kirumi and escape!" Angie suggested. "Nyahaha! Atua sees the truth, but he's sleeping right now."

"What a petty ass god!" Miu exclaimed.

"No way! Rin wouldn't do that!" Kaito said. "He's my sidekick! I trust him!"

"We were all willing to believe his statements earlier," Rantaro said. "He's right. Tsumugi is suspicious for leaving the dining hall during that time. No one else was alone or unaccounted for, except for Kirumi, the victim."

"Rinny doesn't sound like he's lying either," Kokichi added. "But that could be a lie since I'm a liar."

"This is a problem. We're not going to go anywhere at this rate." Ryoma sighed.

"Yeah. We split. Right down middle." Gonta said.

"Woah woah woah! Did you say 'split'?" Monokuma asked. "Fantastic! I have just the thing for this! The Ultimate Academy proudly presents our morphenomenal trial grounds!"

"...Morphenonmenal trial grounds?" Maki asked.

"The trial grounds are going to morph!? Seriously!? I toooootally want to see that!" Kokichi exclaimed with starry eyes.

Before we could say anything else, Monokuma pulled out a key and inserted it into a slot in his throne. Our podiums began to glow and rose into the air with us still on them. The podiums were then sectioned off into two groups. The monitor in the room now had the phrase 'Is Tsumugi the Culprit?' on it.

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