3rd Arc Part 14: Kirumi Tojo

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"I'm going to head out now. I need to meet up with Kaito to discuss plans for what happens after the time limit expires. I leave things to you. Wish me luck. Hopefully, the next time we see each other, this game will have ended."

Those were the last words Kirumi heard from Rin before he left the kitchen to do whatever business he had to do.

She was confused by his words, but she was even more confused by his actions. She looked back down to the note he had given her. It was written in four different languages, which surprised the maid. She didn't know Rin was multilingual. For all she knew, he only became aware of that fact recently as well.

Having been a maid who has worked for many people from all around the world, it was easy for her to read the letter, despite the messy, hastily written hoshposh that was the message on the note. Perhaps she should help him clean up his handwriting once this is all over? Would that be presumptuous of her? She pushed the thought aside as a more important one came to her mind.

'Keep an eye on everyone in the dining hall right now until the time limit has run out. Don't let anyone out of your sight. It's important.'

Kirumi couldn't help but feel a pit form in her stomach as she read the request once more. Why would Rin want her to keep an eye on the others who were in the dining hall? Why would it matter? And what he said before he left... How would this help bring an end to the killing game? Add the strange request to Rin's worrying behavior from that morning, and it was easy to see why Kirumi found herself concerned about her dear friend.

She had just promised to help him as his personal maid once they escaped, so she prayed he didn't do something reckless. Just the thought made Kirumi frown and her hands tightened with uncertainty.

She quickly shook her head. There was no time for her to be worrying. Not when she had a request to fulfill.

She set her broom aside and walked out of the kitchen into the dining hall. Korekiyo, Tsumugi, and Miu were all still there, each sitting at the dining table eating the pasta the Monokubs had prepared. If she recalled, they said it was 'Pasta That Tastes Like a Lonely Old Lady Eating Her Grandkid's Birthday Cake', which Kirumi wouldn't normally assume would be anything that tasted appetizing, but the other three were eating it as if it was fine, so she didn't question it.

Kirumi looked down at her watch to check the time. 8:30 p.m., giving everyone an hour and a half left before the time limit ends. Rin's note told her to watch everyone until the time limit ended, but Kirumi still couldn't figure out the reason behind it. That wasn't going to keep her from fulfilling the request though. She still had her pride as the Ultimate Maid, as well as her creed of selfless devotion.

And so, Kirumi made herself look busy in the dining hall by sweeping some more and speaking with the others in the dining hall, making sure to not let any of them out of her sight for more than a few seconds.

After a few minutes, the monitors flickered on, and images depicting chess pieces that seemed to represent the students in the killing game dying in multiple cruel ways as a blackened piece watched in safety. Along with the images flashing across the screen came disturbing music that made Kirumi's skin crawl. It was upbeat, yet also reflected the twistedness of the killing game as it seemed to revel in what was going to happen at the end of the time limit.

"Gee, I don't know about you guys, but that music is really starting to freak me out," Tsumugi asked after a few minutes after the music started, the girl shivering in her seat from the dread and tension.

"What a sick sense of pleasure Monokuma must have, playing something like this right before we all meet our doom. How utterly cruel." Korekiyo muttered as he continued to eat, his voice relaying the displeasure he felt even when his expression didn't show it.

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