2nd Arc Part 13: A Thin Line Divides Heaven and Hell

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"Ahem! Now then, let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial." Monokuma said. "During the class trial, you will present your arguments for who the culprit is and vote for 'whodunit'. Vote correctly, and only the blackened will be punished. But if you pick the wrong person, I'll punish everyone besides the blackened, and that person will graduate from this academy! Also, refusing to vote will result in your death, so you better vote for someone! Now, let's get this crazy, awesome, crazy-awesome to the max trial underway!"

"I think we all can figure out what happened this time around." Kokichi began the discussion. "The victim, Miu, was hanging from a noose inside her research lab. She obviously committed suicide."

"It does seem to be an open and shut case, doesn't it?" Himiko noted.

"If Miu committed suicide, then that means the victim herself is the blackened. We would need to vote for her." Kiyo remarked.

"Is that right, Monokuma?" Kaito asked.

"That's right! Think about it... A suicide is murdering the most important existence of all: yourself!" Monokuma told us. "Of course, that would also mean there would be no blackened to punish but...I guess in a pinch I can always punish the Monokubs."

"Eeeh!? Why us!?" Monotaro yelled in terror.

"P-Please Daddy, anything but that. I-It's already hard to watch punishments as it is, but being a part of one..." Monophanie began before covering her mouth as if she was going to vomit.

"...I DON'T WANT ANYONE TO GET HURT," Monodam spoke softly.

"Oh suck it up, you cowards! As if a punishment could stop us!" Monosuke shouted. "We could just get in the Exisals and beat the punishment to death! I bet we could even beat up Father with 'em!"

"Oh, I guess you're right." Monotaro nodded.

"I suppose it's not as scary as it seems if that's the case." Monophanie gave a sigh of relief.

"..." Monodam just stood there, as if thinking about something important.

"So if Miu killed herself, she would have become the blackened, and we would have to vote for her." Tenko summarized.

"So all we need to do is vote for Miu and we get to go back?" Angie asked. "Nyahaha! How simply divine! Let's start the vote right now!"

"Hang on, I'm not sure that's wise," Rantaro spoke. "Are we really sure Miu killed herself?"

"Rantaro's right. It's far too soon to come to that conclusion, especially with the evidence at the scene." Maki added.

"You're just being killjoys! If the case is simple, then we shouldn't waste time with this!" Kokichi countered.

Seems like a bunch of us think that Miu killed herself. It's not surprising given how the body was found. Still, I can't let us get off on the wrong foot with this case. We need to focus, and that means pinning down if this was a suicide or murder.

"Was Miu killed, or did she commit suicide?" Kiyo started the debate.

"She obviously killed herself. She was hanging from a noose when she was found." Himiko said.

"That's right. I was the first to see her body, so I can say suicide is definitely the case." Kokichi told us. "She got on top of that chair in her lab and tied the rope to the ceiling. She then made a noose and put it around her neck. And then..." Kokichi put his hand above his neck and jumped, creating a loud SLAM sound as his foot hit the ground. He then hung his head down as if his neck had just snapped. "She kicked the chair away and hung herself to death." Kokichi then started bawling uncontrollably. "Wahhhh! She died from a broken neck!"

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