3rd Arc Part 25: Too Little Too Late

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"Wow! Seriously!? You're correct again!" Monokuma bellowed with a cruel smile. "A-Amazing! This is the third correct verdict in a row!"

"I-If you manage to get 12 correct verdicts in a row, you'll proceed to the bonus round!" Monotaro told us with a slightly nervous expression. It seems he still hasn't gotten used to being around his father again now that he knows Monokuma could blow him up at any sign of disobedience if he wants it to stop.

"How's this gonna last that long!?" Monophanie shouted at her brother. Meanwhile, Monodam just stayed quiet, not moving from his spot at all. Once again, it was over. Out of the 12 of us, 11 voted for Himiko, and one voted for Angie. Tenko... She's as stubborn as an ox. Even till the very end, she wanted to believe in Himiko's innocence. If only it were right...

"...It's finally over." Keebo sighed.

"Is this really how it's supposed to end? With an ending like this?" Kaito asked with gritted teeth.

"No..." Tenko finally spoke. "I want to hear why? Why...did all this happen!?" Tenko's soft voice then turned into a scream as she turned to Himiko. "Himiko...why!? Why did you kill Angie and Ryoma!? Was it really just because Angie attacked you and forced you to do it, or was there another reason?"

"..." Himiko just stared at the ground, tears still falling from her face as she kept quiet.

"...Kokichi. You said that you thought Himiko was lying about her FA, right?" I asked.

"That's what I think. Liars like me can easily spot another person's lies. I've said that a few times now, and this is no exception." Kokichi told me. "I'm pretty sure Tenko saw it too. That's why she got quiet when we were sharing our FAs. Maybe that's also why she was so adamant about defending her."

"Tenko, is that true?" Kaede asked the aikido master. Tenko shut her eyes tightly as she nodded.

"Y-Yes. Himiko...was lying about that. She told us her FA was performing her magic. But that couldn't be the case, because...Himiko performed a magic trick this morning!"

"She did?" Shuichi asked.

"Yeah! It was to make Angie happy." Tenko nodded. "Angie, she looked really sad this morning, and we couldn't get her to tell us why. That's when Himiko did a small magic trick to try to cheer her up. Y'know, the one with the long colorful cloth that she pulls out of a small pocket somehow? And it seemed like it worked."

"Angie looked sad?" Rantaro questioned. "Do you think that has to do with what her FA was?"

"Well, Himiko? You have both Ryoma and Angie's bangles, don't you? Show them to us." Maki told the young magician.

"...Okay." Himiko nodded as she took off her hat and pulled the bangles out of it.

"How did she...?" I mumbled in confusion, but no one paid it any mind.

"Let's take a look at these," Shuichi said as he turned both bangles on. "'Witness violence from any of the other students'. That's Ryoma's FA. So we were right."

"What about Angie's?" Gonta asked.

"Let's see..." Shuichi said as he looked at the other bangle. "'Making any art'."

"Wait, so Angie was the one who couldn't use her talent?" Kaito exclaimed.

"So she did this just because she wanted to use her talent again? Talk about a lame motive." Kokichi sighed in disappointment.

"It is a little hard to believe she did all this just because of her talent," Rantaro added.

"N-No. That's not it at all." I told them. So that's why. That's why you felt so pressured to do this.

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