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Morning, 3 AM.

In this wee hour, everyone was deep in their sleep in that private residential complex. Even though there was  someone who still awake, a male, and seems having a trouble in carrying something into the car that parked at the dark backyard.

"I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry...." he speaks between his sobs.

Then he slammed the boot shut before he walked over to the driver seat and drives away from the house, digging into the darkness on the empty road through the remote area that surrounded by the forest on the left and right side.

The car crawled into the woods, crashing the tall grass that blocks the way, goes into deep forest against the dark and freezing air of the morning.

Arrived at the river bank after more than an hour driving, the car stopped. The driver let the engine alive to light up the dark place. He came out of the car and ran to the back, opens the boot and took something out. It was a big bulky thing wrapped in a red sheet. Oh! It's not red sheet. It's a white sheet that contaminated something red. Blood.

He carried that bulky thing and dumped it on the ground, then he dragged it to the side of the river which has a strong swift. He rolled the bulky thing into the river and let the current flow drifting the thing away in the swift water.

He stood there a few minutes more to make sure the river brings and drifts it away and away. After that he turned around to the car and climbed on it. Inside the car, he didn't straight away drives away. He sat there, listening to the engine that still roaring silently in the dark and silent wood. His hands clenched on the steering wheel tightly. There was some bloodstains on his inner shirt and blue jeans he's wearing. Even there was the blood stuck inside his fingernails. His face was wet with sweat and tears.

"I'm sorry....." He muttered again in a whimpered voice, full of remorse.

After he feels enough, he pulled the gear up and moved his car to leave the place. Again he drove in the empty road. The horizon has shown the golden ray, the sign of the morning started to raise up.

5.14 AM.

The male kept driving back home to face another problem in his house. The place where he has committed a crime that still leave the mess after the homicide of a male in the house which makes him restless while driving.

6 AM.

He reached the house and found it silent and empty. He watched the other houses in the neighborhood. There are lives in most of the houses, unlike a few hours ago. The dark houses turned brighter with the lights on and the windows have opened widely to receive the fresh air, exchanging the stuffy air in every room in the house. There are even noises from the house from the family members.

He brought the car to the backyard, not parking it at the front yard like other houses which have the huge yard. He got out of the car and dashed into the house using the back door. He found the kitchen with the pool of blood, the kitchen utensils scattered on the floor, mixed with blood.

By stepping on the space that wasn't soak by blood, he walked and picking up the things that scattered on the floor, putting them into the kitchen sink and turns the faucet on and let the water washing the blood away from the utensils.

While the water inside the sink self-washing the utensils, he went to the kitchen bathroom and collect the water into the bucket. He brought the water into the kitchen, then poured it on the bloody floor a few times. He pushed the bloody water into the drain until the floor turns to its original color. He poured a bottle of bleach liquid into the water in the bucket, then poured it again on the floor, and the next he pushed the water into the drain again. He did it a few times to get rid of the blood smell. He also washed up the blood stain that splashed on the wall using the bleach and brush.

After that, he moped the floor with the fragrant floor cleaner without water.  He scrub the water hard,.wanted to get rid of the unseen stain and smell. And for the last round he rinsed the floor with clean water, again pushed the water away into the drain. He repeated it until the soap on the floor cleared up. He looked around the kitchen. It's cleaned as usual. And fragrant. He took a deep breath as a relief. Then he walked to the kitchen sink, where he has soaked the utensil with fragrant soap. Then he washed them with the dishwashing liquid as usual and put them back into the right place.

Time has crawled far away. The sun has raised high when he finished all the cleaning. He went upstairs to take a shower and changed into the clean clothes. He wrapped his dirty clothes in a.plastic bag.

He felt tired and exhausted. But this time he still can't take a rest or just take a nap for a few minutes. He needs to go to the carwash shop to self-cleansing his car. But before he go, he has to burn his blood-stained clothes to get rid the evidence. So, he went to the backyard and set the fire in the metal bin that the people used to burn the things for prayer. He threw the wrapped clothes into the bin and let the fire eating it up until it's burnt. 

By then,he drove off of the house and went to the carwash shop to clean his car from anything before it  leads him to jail.

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