Thirty Nine

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The light on the top of the twin swing doors still on, alerting that the operation is still going on. The hallway around the operation room was silent, even though there are a two people sitting on the bench, a male.and a female. And there was a younger woman who keeps walking back and forth restlessly. The boy who was sitting on the bench was not even better. He kept shaking his legs agitatedly. His eyes sometimes glanced at the light on the top of the door, as if he is alert if it suddenly turns off. In another minute, he'll glance at his wristwatch. And after that he glared at the woman who didn't want to sit.

Yi Li, the woman who kept walking back and forth, flew immediately from the US once his mother called her two days about his father's illness which getting worse and his life might not long enough. She didn't know if Yi Bo has returned home. Her parents never told her about Yi Bo's home coming since Yi Bo doesn't allow them to tell her his whereabout, and his parents listened to him because they afraid if Yi Bo will run away again from home.

"Bo Bo, lend me your phone. My phone battery is dead...!" Said his mother with a weak voice.

Yi Bo was never return home since his father admitted to the hospital. He also left his phone that he kept inside his backpack that he left at home.

"I don't have my phone with me..." Said Yi Bo.

"Use my phone, Ma!" Yi Li butt in.

She approached her mother and passed her her handphone.

"Who are you going to call?" Asked Yi Li.

"Your father relatives. I haven't told them about his condition..." Replied Mrs. Wang.

Yi Li nodded. Then she turned her gaze to Yi Bo.

"Yi Bo, you better go home first. Clean up and eat something. Ma says you haven't eaten since two days, except drink coffee and tea...!" Advised Yi Li.

"No need to bother me!" Said Yi Bo, curtly.

Yi Li sighed.

"Pa will be alright. I'll be here with Ma to take care of him...!" Said Yi Li.

"You also never get home, yet! Why do you bother me?" Sneered Yi Bo, glances at a suitcase that leans on the wall near the bench.

Yi li sighed, ready to speak again. But her mother goes first.

"Bo Bo... Please, go home first. Check out of our house, Son...!" Said Mrs. Wang.

Yi Bo was about to refuse, but he was halted when he saw her mother's expression that shown a deep sadness. So, Yi Bo only could sigh. He glared at Yi Li. Then he turned back to his mother.

"Ok," he said finally.

Mrs. Wang caressed Yi Bo's arm dearly. Yi Bo got up.

"Bring your Jie Jie's suitcase, too!" Said his mother.

"It's ok. Just leave it here!" Yi Li quickly stopped him.

"I want to help you!" Said Yi Bo, glanced at his sister. "Jie," he added.

Yi Li stared at him. She felt some of the burden that suffocated her in her chest is lifted up.

"Thanks, then," said Yi Li.

Yi Bo didn't answer. He carried up the suitcase and walked away.

Mrs. Wang and Yi Li looked at Yi Bo's back.

"Can you tell what happened to him in the State?' asked Mrs. Wang, turned her gaze at her daughter.

Yi Li was taken aback. But she quickly covered it and chuckled awkwardly.

SUGAR DADDY (ZHANYI) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now