Twenty Three

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Xiao Zhan entered the club and the blonde man welcomes him at the entrance.

"I thought you forgot your own place, Xiao Zhan!" Said the blonde man.

"I'm busy at my work....!" Replied Xiao Zhan, smiled at the man.

"Busy with your work or your new baby...!" The man chuckled teasingly.

Xiao Zhan only chuckled. He proceed to the bar and ordered some drink.

"Why don't you introduce him to us?" Asked Chuck.

Xiao Zhan didn't promptly answer. He sipped his drink.

"I invited him here tonight. He's still have some shoot, so I decided to let him to come here by himself....!" Replied Xiao Zhan.

"Oh! He's one of your models? I thought you don't pick a boyfie from work...!" Chuck sneered.

"He was not. But he wants to see me often. As well me.  So I make him an offer...!" Said Xiao Zhan.

Chuck glared at Xiao Zhan with a smirk.

"Zhan!" A voice interfered their conversation.

Xiao Zhan and Chuck turned to the man who approaching them.

"Hey, Gab...! How are you?" Asked Xiao Zhan to the brown haired man.

"I missed you. Do you know that?" The man retorted.

Xiao Zhan chuckled.

"Order your drink. It's on me!" Said Xiao Zhan.

The three of them were the shareholders of the club, but they don’t use the products in the club for free

The man blew the heavy sigh. He sat beside Xiao Zhan.

"Are you seriously wanna  end our relationship?" The mam scowled.

"It's over, Gab. Sorry. Anyway, we're never been in a relationship. It based on you need me, and I need you. When I got the better, then sorry to say goodbye....!" Said Xiao Zhan.

Chuck heaved a sigh. Xiao Zhan glanced at him.

"Oh, well.... Fine. Up to you....!" Said the brown haired man, choose to not argue. He took Xiao Zhan's glass and chugged in the drink until it's finished.

Xiao Zhan looked at the glass that slammed on the table.

"Are you really letting him go, Gab?" Chuck butt in.

"Do I have to stop him after he explain our relationship?" The man glanced at Chuck and raised one of his brows.

Chuck chuckled.

At the time, a ruckus came from the entrance where people shouting and scolding.

"Hey, Boy! You can't enter!" The man who guarded the entrance scolded a boy.

"I just came here for the invitation!" Retorted a boy.

"Well, can I see the invitation?" Asked the guard.

The boy was taken aback. He looked at his surrounding. There are people, mostly men, staring at him. Some of them even joined to scold him for blocking their way to enter the club.

"Do you know what place is this?" Asked the guard.

"A-a club?" The boy stuttered.

"Well, yeah! And do you think how old are you entering the club? When did you born? You're such a baby milk-fed!' said the guard, sneering.

"I'm 97 line!" Replied the boy, earns a big laugh from the guard and the club visitors.

"Get out if here, Boy! It's not your place. I think you're just born on twenty ten....!" Said the guard l, pushing the boy to leave the place.

"I want to meet Xiao Zhan!" Shouted the boy.

"Oh? Is he your Daddy? I thought his kid is a girl, not a boy....!" The guard kept pushing the boy who wriggling in his hold.

"Drake! Let him in! I invited him!"  A man shouted from inside the club.

The guard stopped pushing the boy promptly. He turned his head to the entrance and Xiao Zhan was standing there. The boy stunned and astonished looking at Xiao Zhan.

"Xiao Zhan! He's still underage!" Retorted the guard.

"It's ok. He's my relative from China. Come, Mochi?" Xiao Zhan extended his hand, inviting the boy to come.

The boy wriggled out from the guard's grip that immediately loosened. The boy glared at the guard with "I told you" look. He walked to Xiao Zhan's hand that instantly grabbing him by shoulder and brought him in, sent by the gaze from the people at the entrance.

Xiao Zhan brought the boy to the bar.

"Zack! Serve this boy orange juice! I need to go to the washroom first!" Said Xiao Zhan to the bartender.

The bartender glanced at the boy, then he smirked. He nodded at Xiao Zhan.

"I leave you here for a while. Be right back soon. Kay?" Said Xiao Zhan to the boy.

The boy nodded. Xiao Zhan tousled the boy hair, then he left. The boy saw him off, breaking into the crowd that drowned in the blaring music and dimmed lighting. The disco ball rolling around on the ceiling, flashing the  different lights randomly. He flinched when he heard the sound of a glass being slammed on the table. He turned around to the table and saw the bartender was holding a tall glass filled by the orange drink.

"How long you know Xiao Zhan, Kid?" Asked the bartender, smirking at the boy. He removed his hand from the glass.

The boy looked bewildered. He took the glass and pulled it to him, but he didn't immediately drink it. He played with the slim body of the glass.

"Oh... Umm... I.... I'm his relative... I ... I know him for all my life?" Said the boy, uncertain.

The bartender looked at the boy, then he chuckled. He turned to take the glass and wipes it dry with a white cloth.

"Are you sure?" The bartender still chuckling.

The boy didn't answer. He sipped his drink.

"You should be careful, Boy! Don't anyhow take something given to you from strangers in this kind of places. Who knows they put the drugs in it!" Said the bartender, makes the boy stops drinking his orange juice and spits it again inside the glass.

The bartender stunned for a while, but then he laughed.

"You're really so raw, Boy!" Commented the bartender, still laughing.

The boy didn't say a thing but his face turned red.

"Heyy, Zack! Stop teasing this young lad!" A man came approaching them.

The boy looked at the brown haired man.

"Hey! Just ignore him! He always can't stop joke around!" Said the brown haired man.

The boy still looking at the man. Then he turned away and nodded.

"What are you doing here? It's kinda you come to a wrong place...!" Asked the man.

"I..." The boy stuttered.

"He's Xiao Zhan's relative!" The bartender meddled. Then he giggled.

The brown haired man glared at him, then he turned back to the boy.

"I'm Gabriel!" Said the brown haired man, extending his hand for a handshake to the boy.

The boy looked at the man's hand. And he was about to accept the handshake when he heard the man speaks again.

"Xiao Zhan's boyfriend!'

It made the boy stopped to accept the handshake. He looked at the man again. This time the spark in his eyes flashed differently than the first. More look like hatred.

"Ex fuck buddy! Xiao Zhan dumped him already two months ago!" The bartender interfered. He smiled teasingly at the boy.

But it didn't reduce the flash inside the boy's eyes. The man punched the bartender's arm that rested on the table.

"Shut up, Zack! Get lost and just do your work!' glared the man.

The bartender chuckled. Then he got up and went to serve the other customers.

"So.... You are Xiao Zhan's Sugar Baby. Aren't you?" The man turned again to the boy.

"Boyfriend. I'm Xiao Zhan's boyfriend!" Retorted the boy.

"Ho ho! I thought I heard you as his relative...!" The man laughed.

The boy glared at him.

"I see you still very young. How old are you?" Asked the man.

"I'm turning 18 soon," replied the boy.

"Oh, wow! Xiao Zhan is too daring taking the risk dating a little boy...!" Commented the man.

"I'm not a little boy!" Cried the boy, gets up from his seat.

The man was taken aback with the boy's sudden outburst. He stunned for a while.

"Geez... Calm down, Boy! You don't need to exaggerating like that. I was just saying...!" Said the man.

The boy glared at him in anger.

"Hey! What did you do to him? Why he looks so angry?" Xiao Zhan came back. He hugged the boy by his shoulder.

The man turned to him. He smiled awkwardly.

"Nothing! We just talk. And I think he doesn't use to the American's jokes!" Replied the brown haired man.

"Stop talking nonsense to him, Gab!" Xiao Zhan pushed the man by his shoulder. Then he looked at the boy.

"Come, Mochi! I'll bring you to my working room...!" He said to the boy.

Before they go, the boy took a chance to pay a glare st the brown haired man. Xiao Zhan pulled the boy and led him to a room. The brown haired man chuckled dryly, watching them went away. He turned back to the table and found the bartender was leaning in on the table.

"You're loose, Gab! That boy is very young and cute. Xiao Zhan has a taste...!" The bartender snickered at the man.

The man hissed. He slid down the high chair and gets back to the dance floor to get a partner to dance and maybe, if he’s lucky, a fuck buddy or two.

Xiao Zhan closed the door behind him.

"Welcome to underworld, Mochi....!" Said he.

The boy turned around facing him.

"No wonder you know if I often come around here last time. You have a hideout here...!" Said the boy.

Xiao Zhan chuckled. He hugged the boy's waist.

"I got 50% as a shareholder here. The remaining belong to my friends. Chuck and Gabriel. The one you talked with out there...!" Said Xiao Zhan.

"Oh! I heard he was your fuck buddy...!" Commented the boy.

Xiao Zhan smiled. He swayed his body and the boy's and bring themselves to the couch.

"I'm a mature man, Mochi... And I have past..." Replied Xiao Zhan. He dropped himself on the couch and let the boy sitting on his lap.

"I think he still wants you...!" Said the boy.

"But I have you. And you're the one that I want....!" Replied Xiao Zhan.

The boy pushed the man's chest.

"Cheesy!" He said.

Xiao Zhan chuckled.

"How's the outdoor shoot today?" Asked Xiao Zhan.

"Mm... Good," replied the boy.

"I don't like you too close with that Frank Hudson boy....!" Confessed Xiao Zhan.

"Why?" The boy grinned.

"I'm jealous," answered Xiao Zhan. He pouted.

The boy grinned wider. He dropped his chest on Xiao Zhan.

"Daddy.... You know you are the man everyone wants. I'm the one who supposed to get jealous. Every eye look at you with the spark of hope that you can be theirs....!"  Said the boy.

Xiao Zhan snorted.

"You're improved. You’re cheesier than me now...!" Xiao Zhan commented.

"I'm a fast learner. And I learned a lot from you," replied the boy.

Xiao Zhan smiled fondly at the boy. He kissed the boy on the mouth.

"Daddy... How if your wife finds out about us?" Asked the boy after they silenced by the kiss for a while.

"I know how to talk to her...." Replied Xiao Zhan.

The boy stared at the man. He played with the strands of the man's hair that drop on his forehead.

"But I have to keep it secret from public for now. At least from public....!" Said Xiao Zhan.

"I know. You can get into jail if it's official... I understand, Daddy...!" Replied the boy.

"About that Frank boy... Do you think he suspecting something about our closeness?" Asked Xiao Zhan.

The boy shook his head violently.

"No. He only knows that we are relative. I think he gets closer with me because he expect me to be able to take him to the other level as a model...!" Said the boy.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Zhan furrowed his brows.

"He wants you to promote him to be the luxury brand's spokesperson, too?" Replied the boy.

Xiao Zhan sighed.

"Baby... You became an ambassador for Gucci is not only because of me. It’s because your talent and luck. They  also chose you not without reason. Your facial is unique,  classic Asian with fair Asian skin tone. The product they are launching also has the touch from Asian's ancients. That's why they chose us. While this Frank... His features and figure are so modern, very western and suits for the high street labels....! The modelling doesn't work like he used to think, Baby...!" Xiao Zhan explained. He hugged the boy and pressed his cheek against his chest.

The boy stroked the man's hair fondly.

"I don't know about that, Daddy... But I understand now....!" Said the boy. Then he kissed the top of the man's head.

SUGAR DADDY (ZHANYI) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now