Twenty Seven

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Yi Bo started his college day. Summer has ended a few days ago. He's still tied up to a contract for three months, so he will do the campaign for the product he is endorsing for. The company demanded his time to some shoots and interviews from the National Televisions if he's been asked for. That means, he will still meet Xiao Zhan frequently even though he wasn't so sure, too.

He came to the college by bus. He's too lazy riding his bike recently since he always use the agency's van or Xiao Zhan's car as transportation. He and Richard took the different faculty and college, too. Yi Bo entered the college area. He hadn't have any friends, yet. As usual. He was too stiff to make friends around him, especially in the new environment.

"Yi Bo!"

A voice stopped him. The voice itself came from the front. From the long steps to the building. He raised his head to see who's the person calling him. And he felt all of his blood goes to his head immediately, left him with a pale face. He saw a woman was walking down the steps toward him.

"Can we talk a little bit?" Asked the woman.

She smiled at Yi Bo. But Yi Bo felt that the smile was hiding the pain behind. He looked at the woman, then he nodded his head, agreed to the woman's request.

Now they sat on the step, side by side with about 40 cm gap between them. They looked at the bottom of the staircase, where the students still flooded, coming into the college. Some of them glanced at the two who sitting in the middle of the staircase, but they didn't bother it because they didn't block their way on the ling and wide stairs.

"How are you?" The woman started the convo. She glanced at Yi Bo and smiled.

Yi Bo nodded. His face showed the anxiety.

"How long since we met the last time?" Asked the woman again.

"Almost four months..." Replied Yi Bo.

The woman smiled again. She averted her gaze to the level of her eyes. Then she turned to the back, looking at the college's logo.

"So... You did it. You are qualified for this college....!" Said the woman.

Yi Bo turned his head to see the logo, too.

"Yeah...!" He nodded. "It's because your help teaching me....!" He added.

The woman turned to him then she chuckled.

"It's because you are talented and smart....!" Said the woman.

Yi Bo glanced at the woman, then he showed her a faint smile.

"I didn't know you're joining my husband's agency....!" Said the woman.

Yi Bo gulped his saliva. He nodded.

"I just.... Xiao Zhan told me two days ago...!" Said the woman again. At the end of her sentence, her voice was a little bit chocked, as if she tried to swallow the uneasiness that suffocated her.

Yi Bo stared at the woman. Then he lowered his head.

"I'm sorry...." He mumbled.

The woman looked at Yi Bo's head. He stayed at that position for a few seconds, then she threw her face to the other direction with glistened eyes, but she still trying to smile.

"So, that's true....!" She said.

She chuckled. Yi Bo raised his head and turned to the back of the woman's head until the woman turned to him again.

"I... I never think that he will be attracted to a minor like you. I.... Was wrong...!" She spoke.

"Zhan Ge never loves you. He marries you because the ba..." Yi Bo halted when the woman cut his words.

"How do you know?" The woman cut Yi Bo's words. "Did he tell you about it, too?" Her voice a little bit higher.

Yi Bo looked at the woman sharply. A few days ago he felt guilty to the woman. But today, when he saw the determination over the woman's words, he changed his mind.

"He's gay. He doesn't like females. You have to accept that....!" Hissed Yi Bo.

The woman's jaws dropped hearing Yii Bo's statement.

"I... Ah! You... I never thought that you can speak like this to me, Yi Bo!" Said the woman, bewildered.

Yi Bo heaved a long breath, then he got up. He looked down at the woman who looking up at him.

"I love Zhan Ge....!" He said.

"He's only your Sugar Daddy....!" Commented the woman.

"Was. Not anymore. Good afternoon, Ms. Yang....!" Replied Yi Bo. Then he walked up the stairs, took the direction to his faculty.

The woman still  sitting on the step. She looked at Yi Bo away. Then she turned around when the crystal clear fluid drops on her cheek. She chuckled dryly, feeling the anxious inside her.


"I've filled the divorce paper...!" Said Xiao Zhan to Hai Kuan.

"What? When?" Hai Kuan seemed to be surprised.

"Yesterday," replied Xiao Zhan.

"Zhan! Are you out of your mind? If you divorce Xi Lin, you have to..." Hai Kuan hung his words. He stared at his best friend.

"Of course, I do! I promise her to pay their monthly expenses. And I give my house we are staying in  to them, the car....!" Said Xiao Zhan.

"No! I mean... Come on, Zhan! You have to pay so much for your grandpa’s mistake!"

"I'm fine!  I want to be myself, Hai Kuan! I don't want to keep pretending that I'm a good husband to someone that I never have a feeling for...!"

Hai Kuan stared at the man.

"So... You're really serious with that boy?" Asked Hai Kuan.

"Ahh...!" Xiao Zhan flinched. "Mochi... I told Xi Lin about him, too!" He smiled.

"How was her reaction?" Asked Hai Kuan.

"She's.... Calm. She said, she already know about that. She can read from our body language when Mochi came to our house...!" Replied Xiao Zhan.

Hai Kuan heaved a sigh. He rubbed his temple.

"How about A Xiang? Are you planning to tell her who she is?" Asked Hai Kuan again.

"Hmm... A Xiang is innocent. She's a victim. Let her only knows that I'm his Dad....!" Replied Xiao Zhan.

"Then how are you gonna explain to her if she finds out about you being gay?"

"Ahh.... Hai Kuan! Please, don't think too far first! Let me settle one by one....!" Xiao Zhan scowled.

Hai Kuan silent. He seemed to think of something.

"How can Xi Lin get the custody if you don't let go A Xiang as your daughter? I mean... Financially, Xi Lin is unstable. She's just an ex model who works as a freelance teacher...!" Said Hai Kuan.

"I told the Judge that I'm gay and gonna live with my boyfriend soon....!" Xiao Zhan smirked.

Hai Kuan sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Forget about my divorce! I need to see my club. Don't let Chuck and Gab ruin it!" Said Xiao Zhan, ending the conversation.

"Do you still with Gab?" Asked Hai Kuan.

"Excuse me?" Xiao Zhan raised one of his brows.

Hai Kuan stared at him.

"Of course not! I'm not a two timer!" Snorted Xiao Zhan.

"You used to take men for one night stand. That's why...!" Hai Kuan chuckled.

"No, no! Not this time. Not with Mochi....!" Xiao Zhan shook his head. "Wanna come with me to the club?" Asked Xiao Zhan.

"Not in my life...!" Hai Kuan glared.

Xiao Zhan laughed.

"Fine, Mr. Straight Man!" He snorted.

Xiao Zhan got up and put his jacket on that he hung around his chair's backrest.

"See you later, Man!" Xiao Zhan tapped Hai Kuan's shoulder while he proceeding to the door.


Yi Bo came to the set as he asked to have some photoshoots for the youth sportwear in their company. Some of the staff and models  who know him greeted him casually.

Yi Bo had been informed that he will take the shoot with some models from the other agency. The models who will endorse the local youth brand from their agency are him and Frank. So, he looked at the surrounding to find Frank. But he wasn't anywhere to be found in the set.

"Ah! Yi Bo! Get make up first, Boy!" A photographer said to him.

"Is Frank Hudson has arrived?" Asked Yi Bo.

"Frank Hudson? Ah! Yeah! He's in the make up room now. Your Boss also in there!" Informed the photographer. He ushered Yi Bo to the make up room.

When he heard that Xiao Zhan is in the set, too, Yi Bo's heart jumped in excitement. For almost two weeks since he started the college he was unable to meet the man. He was too busy with his college on his first month. And when he got the loose timing, Xiao Zhan would be out of the town for the event shows. Yi Bo is only a freelance model in Xiao's modeling agency, after all. Now with his college tight schedule, he was unable to tag Xiao Zhan along whenever he has the shows.

Yi Bo opened the curtain that take a role as the door to the make up room. The room had no many people inside. Only left two stylists and two models whom seem to come from Xiao Zhan's agency. Maybe they have finished the make up since Yi Bo was the latest model who comes to the set.

Wait! Two models? Yi Bo saw Frank was standing in front of the mirror while checking his make up. Beside him was... Xiao Zhan. He helped Frank to fix the flaws to the make up.

Yi Bo felt his blood sucked up to his head when he saw Xiao Zhan leaning in closer to Frank. And he touched Frank’s lips. And Frank seemed to be happy when Xiao Zhan gives him attention. His blood was boiling inside his head until he couldn't use his brain anymore because of the high temperature of his boiling blood. Especially when he saw Xiao Zhan also smiles at Frank.

"That's the stylist's job to fix the model's make up!"

Yi Bo slapped Xiao Zhan's hand away from Frank's face, startles the two males. Xiao Zhan and Frank promptly turned to Yi Bo.

"He-hey, Dude!" Frank grinned ear to ear when he saw Yi Bo.

But Yi Bo who conquered by wrath and jealousy put the dark face to both of them. Even when Frank gives him a light punch in his arm, Yi Bo became furious. He who was facing Xiao Zhan, turning to him and sends Frank a hard blow by his fist on his face. And it made Frank fell on the chair in front of the mirror that dragged him to the other side and stopped by the make up table.

"Yi Bo!!" Xiao Zhan shouted out of his anger and shock.

Yi Bo turned to him and looked at the man with furious eyes. But behind the flame inside his eyes, the tear welled up in the brick of his eyes, makes Xiao Zhan's anger melts away.

"Can you leave the two of us here alone?" Asked Xiao Zhan to the two stylists who are taking care of Frank who now has a bruise on his face.

The three of them looked at Xiao Zhan.

"I need to talk with my model...!" Said Xiao Zhan, pointing at Yi Bo.

Without saying a word, the stylists helped Frank to get out of the room.

"Xiao Zhan! Will you come with me later?" Asked Frank before he left.

"I'll talk to you later!" Replied Xiao Zhan.

Frank nodded. Then he glared at Yi Bo.

After they left alone in the room, Xiao Zhan brought Yi Bo to sit on a chair. While he took another chair.

"What have you done, Mochi? Why do you need to punch Frank like that? I thought you both are good friends...!" Said Xiao Zhan, starting the talk.

"Oh? Because he's my good friend, then you can freely touching and flirting with him?' Yi Bo retorted.

"What? Flirting? I didn't flirt with him...!" Denied Xiao Zhan.

"Don't tell lie! I say what I saw!" Yi Bo glared at the man.

Xiao Zhan was taken aback. Then he giggled. Yi Bo frowned and glared at the man.

"What's so funny??" Yi Bo scowled.

"I see....!" Xiao Zhan still giggled. "So... You're jealous....!" He snorted.

Yi Bo pouted. He looked away.

"Heyy...!" Xiao Zhan turned Yi Bo's swivel chair to turn back to him.

"Come on...! Don't get jealous easily...! I only did my work. It's my responsible to take care of all my models. I only help him fixing his make up. I don't have any intentions...!" Said Xiao Zhan.

Yi Bo still pouted.

"Mochi... You're the spokesperson of a huge global brand now. You need to have your self restraining. Be professional. Don't mix your personal feeling with job. Don't stain your image by jealousy and uncontrolled anger. You're still the special one to me. But I can't to be too obvious, otherwise the other models will feel envious to you. And that's no good for you. And for your career. Which model who can grab the opportunity with the big brands when they still merely newbie in the industry? At least they have to be the top model to be able to endorse the renown  huge brands with a big payment....!" Xiao Zhan tried to explain.

Yi Bo stared at the man. He felt guilty for doing stupid thing out of his jealousy. But he couldn't help it since he suspected that Frank tried to get closer to Xiao Zhan and makes Yi Bo as the mediator to get what he desires of, because as he knows that Yi Bo is a close.reltibe to Xiao Zhan.

"Don't try too close to him. Because I know he wants you, too...!" Said Yi Bo, expressing the thing that bugging him.

Xiao Zhan smiled.

"Now, apologize to Frank. Kay?" Asked Xiao Zhan.

"What? No!" Cried Yi Bo.

"Mochi...!" Xiao Zhan sighed.

"Why should I?" Yi Bo scowled.

"Just listen to me. If he has a grudge with you, he can ruin your career. And most probably the label also will cancel the contract and sue you because you give the bad image to public that can ruin the image of their brand, too. And if the big company sues you, it will waste so much money...!" Said Xiao Zhan.

Yi Bo rolled his eyes in irritation.

"Fine...!" He said.

Xiao Zhan smiled. He got up from his chair.

"Let's go! We see Frank. Hopefully, the make up will be able to cover his bruise and keep doing the shoot...!" Said Xiao Zhan. He extended his hand for Yi Bo to hold.

Reluctantly, Yi Bo took Xiao Zhan's hand and walk out of the make up room.

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